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Posts posted by sha


    If what you say has value, someone may read it and benefit. But don't count on it. If you say something that is completely nonsense, you may also attract a devoted following of one or two cheerleaders. So don't take yourself too seriously.



    Lord Krishna says-


    'He (She) who is the SAME to

    the foe and friend and

    also HONOUR and DISHONOUR,

    who is the SAME in cold and heat,

    in PLEASURE and PAIN,

    who is FREE from ATTACHMENT,

    To whom CENSURE and PRAISE are EQUAL,

    who is silent, CONTENT with ANYTHING,


    FULL of Loving Devotion for Me -


    that PERSON is DEAR TO ME.'


    Gita- 12.18,19


    Lord Krishna makes His teaching CLEAR to all saying -


    "matkarma kRnmatparamo

    madbhaktas sanga varjitaH

    nirvaira ssarva bhUteSu

    yassamAmeti pAndava"


    (Gita 11.55)


    "He, who DOES WORK FOR ME,


    who is DEVOTED TO ME,



    he COMES TO ME, O Arjuna."

  2. <center><big>Counting Beads</big>


    Know thou this secret :

    nothing at all is gained

    By counting over the polished beads of the rosary,

    While the mind still wanders out into the world .


    But if you turn the rosary of the mind,

    Thy body will be full of light within.


    Even if an age-long time is spent in turning the rosary,

    The mind will never take a turn unto the Lord.


    O brother! Throw aside the rosary in your hand,

    And turn the rosary of your mind instead.


    The rosary of the mind, declares Kabir,

    Is the only rosary that is worth while.


    The physical rosary is an empty show.


    If by turning the rosary you could meet the Lord,

    Why does the Persian wheel, Revolving day and night,

    remain without the Lord?


    In thy hand there turneth ever the beads of the rosary ;

    In thy mouth there turneth the tongue;

    Thy mind turneth in ten directions;


    This, my dear friend, I say,

    Is no remembrance of the Name of the Lord.




    Hari Bol!

  3. <center><big>You are in me</big>


    You are in me

    I am in you

    Still to see you separate

    The joy gets expression!


    Expression of vision

    Expression of sound

    Expression of touch!


    The beauty you possess

    The music you play

    The melodious songs

    Sweet and tipsy words

    And Soft featherlike touch!


    I need you separate from me!

    Fools seek salvation

    Mingling of Soul and God

    Without any expression!


    Sunshine white

    The rainbow is enjoying

    The colorful display

    Separate apperance the key!


    O! Krishna!

    Pour your love

    Like rain pours

    With exciting thundering and lightening

    So is your lightening touch

    Glances and sweet words

    Of thundering emotions!


    O! Make me wet

    Both body and mind

    Let it drench in

    The loving shower of

    Your unending love!


    by shreeradha




    He clearly defines Aham and Brahman and then establishes the upanishadic principle.



    The original well known 'Mahaa Vaakya' from Upanishads are not manufactured by neo-advaitins nor neo-gaudiyas.



    What is a 'mahAvAkya'? Here is an excerpt:


    Acaya Shankara Bhagavatpada revealed the wisdom of the Vedas, as lived and experienced by him in his direct insight. He fashioned the verses in the dye of the four great commandments 'mahAvAkya' declared in our four Vedas:


    1. In the Rig Veda (Aitreya Upanishad 3.3) is the mahAvAkya that defines Absolute Reality : 'Absolute Consciousness is Brahman' - "prajnAnaM brahma".


    2. Enshrined in YajurVeda (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.1.10) we have the roar of Realization, "ahaM brahmAsmi", 'I am Brahman'.


    3. Set along the songful mantras of the Sama Veda (Chandogya Upanishad 6.14.3, 6.8.7) we have the commandment that represent the advise of the masters, "tat tvaM asi", 'That Thou art'.


    4. And roaring from the Atharvana Veda (Mandukyopanishad 1.2), we have the deafening silent experience of the student at his meditation seat, couched in the commandment, "Ayam AtmA brahma", "This Consciousness-in-me, the Self, is Brahman".


    (source- Sri Chinmayananda's Commentery on 'Maneesha Panchakam' of Adi Sankaracarya)

  5. <center><big><font color="red">avidyAm antare vartamAnAH

    svayaM dhIrAH paNDitaM manyamAnAH

    jaGghanya mAnAH pariyanti mUDhA

    andhenaiva nIyamAnA yathA 'ndhAH</font>


    <font color="blue">Abiding in the midst of ignorance,

    but thinking themselves wise and learned,

    fools aimlessly go hither and thither,

    like blind led by the blind.</font></big>


    - Atharva Veda, Mundaka Upanishad 1.2.8.

  6. D: Are there degrees of illusion ?


    A: Illusion itself is illusory.

    It must be seen by somebody outside it ,

    but how can such a seer be subject to it ?

    So , how can he speak of degrees of it ?


    You see various scenes passing on a cinema screen;

    fire seems to burn buildings to ashes ; water seems

    to wreck ships ; but the screen on which the

    pictures are projected remains unburnt and dry.

    Why ? Because the pictures are unreal and the screen real.


    Similarly , reflections pass through a mirror but it is

    not affected at all by their number or quality.

    In the same way , the world is a phenomenon upon the substratum

    of the single Reality which is not affected by it in any way.

    Reality is only One.


    Talk of illusion is due only to the point of view.

    Change your viewpoint to that of Knowledge and you will

    perceive the universe to be only Brahman.

    Being now immersed in the world , you see it as a real world;

    get beyond it and it will disappear and Reality alone will remain.



    The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi

    Arthur Osborne



    Hari Aum !!!


    source: /


    He was only pretending to eat rice and dairy products for there was no digestive system inside, to assimilate the food.



    <center>This reminds me a verse posted on another board from 'Sri Krishna Karnamritam' of the Rasik Mahatma of South India, Lila Suka Bilva Mangala.

    Actually the Vrajavasis never paid importance to the Divine body of God nor Supreme Brahman but simply enjoyed His association and exploits in Prema Bhakti Rasa, Divine Love.


    kailAso navanItati kSitir ayaM prAgjagdha mRlloSati

    kSIrodopi nipItadugdhati lasatsmere praphulle mukhe

    mAtrA 'jIrNa dhiyA dRDhaM cakitayAnaSTAsmidRSTaHkayA

    "thU thU vatsaka! jIva lIva ciram" ityukto 'vatAnno hariH




    In the words of the Rasik Saint, Sri Bilva Mangala Thakura-


    <font color="blue">Mother Yashoda was fondling Baby Krishna on her lap and the adorable Child was smiling with joy opening wide His lotus mouth.

    Mother could not help noticing the contents of His stomach!

    She was startled to see the 'Kailasa Parvata' Mountain (the snowcapped abode of Lord Shiva on top of the universe) but composed herself thinking that as the previously eaten butter by her Son.


    At the sight of the earth planet, she thought that must be the lump of dirt her mischievous Boy was eating earlier.


    When she visualized the Ocean of milk, she surely recognized the (undigested) milk drunk by her poor Baby during the day.


    By now, mother Yashoda was firmly convinced herself that her precious Child must have been suffering from "indigestion" due to some envious, evil eyes around the neighborhood and by wicked spells.


    Being a very loving and caring mother, she innocently pronounced an auspicious incantation to drive out the effects of the evil spell and relieve the distress of her Child, and blessed Him -</font>


    <big><font color="red">"Long live, my Child, may You live long!"</big>


    Let my Saviour be the same adorable Lord Hari Who was protected by mother Yashoda.</font>


    Hari Bol!


    He was only pretending to eat rice and dairy products for there was no digestive system inside, to assimilate the food.



    <center>This reminds me a verse posted on another board from 'Sri Krishna Karnamritam' of the Rasik Mahatma of South India, Lila Suka Bilva Mangala.

    Actually the Vrajavasis never paid importance to the Divine body of God nor Supreme Brahman but simply enjoyed His association and exploits in Prema Bhakti Rasa, Divine Love.


    kailAso navanItati kSitir ayaM prAgjagdha mRlloSati

    kSIrodopi nipItadugdhati lasatsmere praphulle mukhe

    mAtrA 'jIrNa dhiyA dRDhaM cakitayAnaSTAsmidRSTaHkayA

    "thU thU vatsaka! jIva lIva ciram" ityukto 'vatAnno hariH




    In the words of the Rasik Saint, Sri Bilva Mangala Thakura-


    <font color="blue">Mother Yashoda was fondling Baby Krishna on her lap and the adorable Child was smiling with joy opening wide His lotus mouth.

    Mother could not help noticing the contents of His stomach!

    She was startled to see the 'Kailasa Parvata' Mountain (the snowcapped abode of Lord Shiva on top of the universe) but composed herself thinking that as the previously eaten butter by her Son.


    At the sight of the earth planet, she thought that must be the lump of dirt her mischievous Boy was eating earlier.


    When she visualized the Ocean of milk, she surely recognized the (undigested) milk drunk by her poor Baby during the day.


    By now, mother Yashoda was firmly convinced herself that her precious Child must have been suffering from "indigestion" due to some envious, evil eyes around the neighborhood and by wicked spells.


    Being a very loving and caring mother, she innocently pronounced an auspicious incantation to drive out the effects of the evil spell and relieve the distress of her Child, and blessed Him -</font>


    <big><font color="red">"Long live, my Child, may You live long!"</big>


    Let my Saviour be the same adorable Lord Hari Who was protected by mother Yashoda.</font>


    Hari Bol!

  9. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif



    bAhire se AlA bholA antare hRdaya galA

    mukhe sadA kRSNa bolA cokhe azru mAlA

    dInatAya se mATir mAnuS niSThAte acalA

    kRSNa dite kRSNa nite dhare zakti sob

    alaukika lokavat gauDIya vaiSNob


    He looks artless, guileless

    but inside his heart is melting;

    the name of Krishna is always on his tongue

    a garland of tears in his eyes.


    In humility though forebearing,

    his faith unswerving as a mountain.


    To give or take Krishna,

    is the power in his hands.

    He looks like anyone,

    but he is beyond the world.

    That is a Gaudiya Vaishnava.


    sabAra nIce paRe thAke sabAike se sevya dekhe

    sabAra iSTa miSTa bhAkhe kRSNa tattva jñAne

    sabAi debA sabAr sevA kRSNa adhiSThAne

    nikhila bheda samanvayera mUrti savaibhava

    tomAra preme goRA se gauDIya vaiSNava


    He humbly takes the lowest place,

    sees everyone as someone to serve;

    to all he speaks what is pleasing and sweet,

    connected to the truth of Krishna;

    he knows that Krishna dwells in every soul

    and so he gives to all and serves all.


    All differences are resolved in him,

    this is the glory he incarnates.

    Formed through and through by Your love--

    that is a Gaudiya Vaishnava.


    sarvottama sadainya vinaya nirahaM suzAnti nilaya

    nitAi graha grasta hRdaya sadaya vizva jIve

    tomAra icchAya cale bale tomAra icchAya seve

    tomAra gaNa sange se pAya prema rasArNava

    tomAra sRSTa hRSTa iSTa gauDIya vaiSNava


    He is the best of all, yet he makes no claims.

    He is without ego, the house of blissful peace.

    He is under the astral influence of Nitai,

    and so merciful to all souls in the universe.

    He walks and talks according to Your desire,

    according to Your desire, he serves.


    When in the company of those who are Yours,

    he finds an ocean of relish.

    Your personal creation, Your own ecstatic object of worship --

    that is a Gaudiya Vaishnava.


    (Sri Gopinatha Basak-contributed by Jagat)




    real vaishnavas are not always humble




    Sri Caitanya in His 'Sikshashtaka', gives the cardinal VIRTUES of a REAL VAISHNAVA thus:


    "Humbler than the grass,

    more tolerant than the tree,



    a devotee SHOULD SING OF LORD HARI." (3)


    This is the IDEAL which STILL RULES all the REAL Vaishnavas and which they still TRY TO MAINTAIN even through UNFAVORABLE CIRCUMSTANCES.

  11. <big><font size=+2>Yes, it's Big Deal!!!</font></big>


    bAhire se AlA bholA antare hRdaya galA

    mukhe sadA kRSNa bolA cokhe azru mAlA

    dInatAya se mATir mAnuS niSThAte acalA

    kRSNa dite kRSNa nite dhare zakti sob

    alaukika lokavat gauDIya vaiSNob


    He looks artless, guileless

    but inside his heart is melting;

    the name of Krishna is always on his tongue

    a garland of tears in his eyes.


    In humility though forebearing,

    his faith unswerving as a mountain.


    To give or take Krishna,

    is the power in his hands.

    He looks like anyone,

    but he is beyond the world.

    That is a Gaudiya Vaishnava.


    sabAra nIce paRe thAke sabAike se sevya dekhe

    sabAra iSTa miSTa bhAkhe kRSNa tattva jñAne

    sabAi debA sabAr sevA kRSNa adhiSThAne

    nikhila bheda samanvayera mUrti savaibhava

    tomAra preme goRA se gauDIya vaiSNava


    He humbly takes the lowest place,

    sees everyone as someone to serve;

    to all he speaks what is pleasing and sweet,

    connected to the truth of Krishna;

    he knows that Krishna dwells in every soul

    and so he gives to all and serves all.


    All differences are resolved in him,

    this is the glory he incarnates.

    Formed through and through by Your love--

    that is a Gaudiya Vaishnava.


    sarvottama sadainya vinaya nirahaM suzAnti nilaya

    nitAi graha grasta hRdaya sadaya vizva jIve

    tomAra icchAya cale bale tomAra icchAya seve

    tomAra gaNa sange se pAya prema rasArNava

    tomAra sRSTa hRSTa iSTa gauDIya vaiSNava


    He is the best of all, yet he makes no claims.

    He is without ego, the house of blissful peace.

    He is under the astral influence of Nitai,

    and so merciful to all souls in the universe.

    He walks and talks according to Your desire,

    according to Your desire, he serves.


    When in the company of those who are Yours,

    he finds an ocean of relish.

    Your personal creation, Your own ecstatic object of worship --

    that is a Gaudiya Vaishnava.


    (Sri Gopinatha Basak-contributed by Jagat)

  12. <center>A few more sublime verses from 'Sri Rama Carita Manas' of Sant Tulasi Das ji:

    krita juga saba jogee vijnaanee

    kari hari-dhaan tarahi bhava praanee


    <font color="red">

    In the golden age of Krita, all the inhabitants were fully enlightened souls and

    capable of engaging their minds and hearts in contemplative meditation upon Lord Hari.

    Thus they have all crossed over the ocean of material existence.</font>


    tretaa vividha yajna nara karahee

    prabhuhi samarpi karma bhava tarahee


    <font color="blue">

    In Treta Yuga, the same results were achieved by the people through performing various sacrificial worship

    and offering them for the pleasure of the Lord.</font>


    dvaapara kari raghu (yadu) pati pada poojaa

    nara bhava tarahi upaaya na doojaa


    <font color="red">In the age of Dwapara, there was no alternative solution to achieve the ultimate goal

    but through rendering their loving service to the lotus feet of the Lord Himself (Pancaratra).</font>


    yahi kali kaala na saadhana doojaa

    jog na japa tapa vrat makha poojaa


    <font color="blue">

    For this fallen age of Kali, there is NO alternative path of spiritual practice such as

    yoga meditation, mechanical counting on beads, severe penance & vows

    and sacrificial worship to please the heavenly personalities like Indra.</font>


    milahi na raghupati binu anuraagaa

    kiye joga japa daana viraagaa


    <font color="red">

    Lord of the Raghu Dynasty, Sri Ramacandra, will not be perceived by the seekers devoid of Divine Love

    despite their great yogic meditation, ritualistic practice of 'japa',

    charitable deeds and dispassion towards the material world.</font>


    Raamahi sumiriya gaayiya raamahi

    santata suniya raama guna graamahi


    <font color="blue">So please REMEMBER passionately Lord Ramacandra ,

    only sing lovingly the holy Names of Rama, always

    listen to His Divine attributes, and

    blissful exploits alone.</font>


    Hari Bol!


    the sins acquired by the disciples are surely achieved by the genuine spiritual master.



    That explains why genuine Christians believe Jesus sacrificed himself and died for 'their' sins.


    'sarva dharmAn parityajya

    mAmekaM zaraNaM vraja,

    ahaM tvA sarva pApebhyo

    mokSayiSyAmi mA zucaH'


    "O Arjuna! Abandon all thoughts of religion and

    irreligion and come to Me ALONE for Shelter.


    It is then, that I, Who am a Judge to all,

    will cease to judge in your case, and

    will instead pardon your countless past sins

    of past lives, through My Grace."


    Hari Bol!

  14. <center>

    Posted Image



    <big>namaH paGkaja nAbhAya!

    Posted ImagenamaH paGkaja mAline!Posted Image


    Posted Image<big>namaH paGkaja netrAya!Posted Image



    namaste paGkajAGghraye!


    Posted Image




    Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.22


    Posted Image<big>namaH kamala nAbhAya!Posted Image


    Posted Image<big>namaH kamala mAline!Posted Image


    http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_pictures/india/tn_lotus_gif.jpg<big>namaH kamala pAdAya! tn_lotus_gif.jpg


    <big>namaste kamalekSaNa!




    Sromad Bhagavatam 4.30.25


    Hari Bol!

  15. <center><big>The Name of God</big>


    <font color="red">My only wealth

    is the Name of Hari [God]:


    Your Name is my field,

    your Name is my orchard,

    the object of my Love,

    my only refuge.</font>


    Your Name is my fortune,

    your Name is my capitol --

    Beside Your Name

    I know nothing.


    <font color="blue">Your Name is my kith and kin,

    your Name is my Brother --

    On the last day, your Name will be

    my sole Companion.</font>


    <font color="red">I cling to your Name.</font>


    Invoking Ram

    my body was consumed --

    In the Name of Ram,

    my spirit has merged.</font>


    -- Guru Kabir, "A Weaver Named Kabir - Selected Verses," Charlotte Vaudeville,

    Oxford University Press, ISBN 019-563078-5.

    This book is a sequel to her earlier 1974 work titled,

    "Kabir," Volume I, also published by Oxford.


    Hari Bol!


    Smaranam is one of the nine aspects of bhakti.



    More beautiful thoughts on " Smarana" - Remembrance from another board:


    Taken from the "The Divine Duality of Radha and Krishna", written by Barbara Stoler Miller:


    "The importance of memory in the thought process is universally recognized in Western and Indian epistemology.


    What I am stressing here is the aesthetics of 'memory', linked to love, as a mode of knowing within aesthetic and religious experience.

    It is significant that memory (smarana) is a major epithet of the god of love (smara).


    The association between love and memory is known as early as the ATHARVA veda, whose hymns include a love-charm in which the female speaker asks the gods to send 'memory' to make a certain man burn for her.


    Smara and kama, in fact, seemto be the only pre-epic names of love.


    In Sanskrit poetry an act of remembering is a conventional technique for relating the modes of frustrated and fulfilled love (vipralambha and sambhoga srngara).


    Memory is recognized throughout Vaishnava literature as a way of KNOWING Krishna.


    In the Bhagavatha Purana (10.32.20), when the cowherdesses accuse Him of cruelty for deserting them, Krishna answers:


    <font color="blue">"I, the embodiment of mercy- how can I be cruel, and especially to my devotees?

    No, never.

    My disappearance is only a veil that I draw in order to nourish yearning and love for Me by the fire of separation.


    As a poor man hitting by a chance on a treasure and again losing it, is constantly brooding over it,

    so I wish my devotees should not for a moment forget Me."</font>


    It is by sharing the mutual memories that Radha and Krishna have of Their original secret meeting that the audience of 'Gita Govind' learns to appreciate and understand the unique relationship of the RADHA-MADHAVA pair.`


    Aesthetic memory breaks through the logic of every day experience- it obliterates distances, reverses chronologies, fuses what is ordinarily separate.


    What makes Jayadeva's vision so powerful is that Krishna participates in the world of memory as subject as well as object.


    Krishna remembers Radha in the same kind of sensual detail in which She remembers Him.


    His memory makes Him vulnerable to Her possessive, overwhelming power as She is to His-

    as He again declares His love for Her.


    He gives no rationalization for the cruelty of His desertion because He too suffered in the fire of separation.


    Devotion meant submission to Bhagavan in a loving relationship that was most powerful in the anguish of separation, shared by all devotees.


    The orthodox cult was basically antithetical to Jayadeva's notion of Krishna's exclusive, erotic relationship with a single consort as the supreme expression of His love and as the MODEL FOR the relation between KRISHNA and HIS DEVOTEE."


    Hari Bol!


    Smaranam is one of the nine aspects of bhakti.



    Here is a copied message from another board regading 'Smarana'-


    The MIND alone is the center of devotion- "AnukUlyena kRSNAnu zIlanaM bhaktiruttamA"

    SMARANA practiced by MIND is the LIFE of Devotional Service. 'manera smaraNa prANa'


    Mahaprabhu Himself mentioned about SMARANA in the second verse of Sri SIKSHASHTAKA -


    nAmnAmakAri bahudhA nija sarva sakti

    statrArpita niyamitaH "smaraNe" na kAlaH

    yetAdRzI tava kRpA bhagavan mamApi

    durdaivamI dRzam ihAjani nAnurAgaH


    Mahaprabhu wanted us not only to do chanting,

    but also REMEMBRANCE and there are no limitations

    of time and place for the REMEMBRANCE!


    Just as Lord Krishna said in Gita-


    anta kale ca mAm eva

    smaran muktvA kalevaram,

    yah prayAti sa madbhAvaM

    yAti nAstyatra saMzayaH


    yaM yaM vApi smaran bhAvaM

    tyajatyante kalevaram

    taM tamevaiti kaunteya

    sadA tadbhAva bhAvitaH


    tasmAt sarveSu kAleSu

    mAm anusmara yuddhya ca,

    mayyarpita mano buddhir

    mAme vai 'Syasy asaMzayaH


    (Gita 8.5-7)


    <font color="red">"And whoever, at the time of death,

    leaving the body, goes forth



    There is no doubt about this."</font>


    <font color="blue">"Whatever being a man REMEMBERS of

    at the last moment when leaves his body,





    and PERFORM ALL YOUR ACTIONS (including the fighting).




    Hari Bol!


    A remarkable similarity in taste I'd say.



    Your observation is well taken. The similarities between god-brothers and god-sisters are quite natural. No surprise.


    Please do not deviate from the topic discussion - 'The Soul of Radha'. You can start another thread with your kind suggestions.


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