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Posts posted by raghucharan

  1. Am not sure if Shankara got people away form Buddhism but there are scriptual evidences showing shankara proving the advaitha philosophy much advanced and scientific/convincing then the buddhist scriptures of those times.

    Upanishads and vedas were available since a long time. But the first exponent to give explanatory notes on these upanishads was gaudapadacharya (guru of guru of Shankara). His bashya (explanation) on mandukya upanishad is considered very scientific even today. Later Shankara is the only person who could explain neatly what the upanishads/vedas actually meant and could write bashyas on them in a lucid way understandable to normal humans like us. And Shankara's monistic views are questioned/debated since the time he left this world. But there is no convincing book/journal/text found which could refute it till date. His popularity is eternal according to me (but only applicable to people who can dedicate life to understand what he said). Hope I have answered your query.You can study more of his philosophy and his life span through books available on internet too.




  2. I see that this was a message in 2002. I stay close to Ullal Bangalore. Want to know if this "Sri Sankara Smartha Samskrutha Paathasala" still continues to be a part of vidyaniketan school, Ullal, Bangalore.

    I will call up the institution and ask them. But just wanted to know if some parent has already enrolled their kid into this school and want to know honest feedback if any. Its rare to have such a combination in schools and me being a smartha and attarcted towards advaitha vedanta, would treat myself and my kid lucky if such a thing is still available.

    Any response would be appriciated.




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