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Posts posted by Lou_Fish

  1. I have looked on at the bhagavad gita though for my course we only look at 1-4 11 and 18. although my understanding is that Krishna argues that as long as we do things without attachment then the self can reach enlightment. Do you believe this and do you believe in reincarnation. I met a hindu women who when asked if she believed in reincarnation she said no next question please and wouldnt discuss it? could you tell me what you all think of this as i no that not every hindu feels the same.


  2. Hi i am studying alevel Hinduism and am writing a paper on life after death in Hinduism. More specifically the view of the Atman in the scriptures i.e the Bhagavad Gita and the Katha Upanishad. When reading them in class i was fascinated by this idea of a soul. I am not a hindu but have always believed that everyone has a soul. I wrote a post on here a few months ago and was told of a place called the pitru lokam which apparently is the place of the ancestors where the soul passes through. I understood the concept but was wondering if anyone could tell me any more. I am interested in knowning especially of the views of the devotees of Krishna's view as this is what my paper will be surrounding mainly due to his envolvement in the Bhagavad Gita and mainly due to the fact that he seems to be a deity that many can connect to. Any information anyone can give me on this matter of life after death or any personal views would be fantastic and greatly appreciated.

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