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Posts posted by shubh

  1. the most fascinating part about Hinduism is that it is very flexible. u think being materialistic is d way human are structured now. well if you are very spiritual u have to accpet watever comes to. it is nothing bt a blessing from the Superior Lord. whatever happens in this world is a doin of The Creator Bramha. me telling you this is also his wish. you cannot be totally non materialistic being in the grihasta ashram. do not blame your Atma for what you do.it is not his flaw. it is the wish of the Lord. if you are facing pain and hardships its because of your karma. think of it in the positive way.probably facing all this pain would clear all your wrong doings and give u moksha.

    and to end it i'll quote from Bhagvad Geeta - Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana, Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani.

    it means that v r supposed to perform our actions and not to expect d results.never consider yourself d cause of your results and never fail from doing your duties.

  2. well you c dreams are generally triggered by our memories or any significant event for the matter.dreams are a visual representation of wat v have perceived from any event.these perceptions are stored in our unconsious and may cum out in the form of a dream. about u dreamin of Ma Kaali. it can signify a lot of things. probably that u have a subtle influence of the Godess in your mind. try memorizing in which form do u c Her and recollect where have you seen Her.as in if u dream of her in d form of an Idol den try to remember which temple n recollect wat influence that place has on u as in d importance or memories or any significant event. when u c Her, Shiva gets associated because she is her consort. now Hanuman was an incarnation of the Lord. So u can just join the links and there u have it.

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