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Posts posted by saisunitha


    Hello Everyone:


    I am not sure if you recall from my earlier postings on the group

    that I have been a patient of schizophrenia for over 12 years. After

    I received some advice from the group, I found an Ayurvedic

    therapist in India who invited me to come over and receive in-

    patient treatment for about a month. Almost at the verge of loosing

    my job because the disease was getting worse every day and was

    coming in the way of performing my tasks and maintaining

    relationships at work, I decided to take a medical leave and try out

    the Ayurvedic treatment. I just wanted to share the story of my

    recovery so far and what it took to accomplish that.


    I have always held the belief as all others who have fallen victim

    to the allopathic psychiatry, that Schizophrenia is not a disease

    that you can ever get rid of completely (well, they claim that about

    24% get cured in 5 years if they are the " lucky " ones, I am not sure

    how much of that claim is true) -- you just have to remember to take

    the prescribed dose of your antipsychotics day after day for the

    rest of your life. For first 6-7 years, my symptoms were somewhat

    manageable with the use of antipsychotics so that I could hold a job

    and maintain relationships like anyone else. In last 5-6 years,

    things started to take a turn for the worse. Not only my mental

    symptoms got worse gradually, but I also developed additional

    symptoms that were rather physical in nature. I started burping

    vigorously and frequently. I developed really bad allergies. And, I

    had a mouth full of mucus all the time. First I thought that the

    allergies were because I had recently moved to Florida from up

    north -- so, I went to see my PCP who ran the standard allergy tests

    on me -- test results indicated that I was allergic to pretty much

    everything on the planet earth! I had no choice but to take the anti-

    allergy pills every day without fail and then like many others, keep

    switching from this pill to a stronger one year after year.


    That is when I started looking for other possibilities -- good God

    showed me the way when I located a newsletter on alternative

    medicine while I was waiting for my turn at my PCP's. From that

    point until now has been a long journey full of changes -- changes

    in diet, lifestyle, medicine, and above all the way I look at the

    world now. I first tried Homeopathy to treat my allergies, which did

    not work at all. Then I came in contact with an Ayurvedic therapist

    in Chicago who prescribed me some Tulsi tea and asked me to stop

    taking milk. That was it -- the allergy problems were gone! Since

    then I read numerous books on Ayurveda -- the most relevant of them

    all that I recommend to the mental patients is by Dr. David Frawley

    called " Ayurveda and the Mind " -- it is a must read for those who

    don't just want to get cured, but stay cured. Despite my readings

    and trying out numerous Ayurvedic advices and lifestyle changes

    like eating organic only, eating Khichari only, treating candida

    problem assuming that was the underlying cause of my mental

    problems, etc., it was not until I joined " ayurveda " last year

    that I found the right Vaidya and started on a long term treatment



    The treatment took about 2 months. I was in-patient throughout. The

    vaidya has a unique 8-day detox program that was repeated four times

    with one week gaps in between two detoxes. All this while, I also

    got started on Panchagavya medicines as well as several nervine

    herbs like Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Jatamansi, etc. The detox program

    featured prescribed diet, oils, and herbs for 6 days followed by two

    Basti sessions on the 7th and 8th day. I was also asked to do

    advanced breathing exercises called " Tantrik Pranayama " . In

    particular, I practiced tantrik versions of alternate-nostril and

    kapaal-bhati Pranayama. Since the detox sessions, I have continued

    with the breathing exercises, diet prescription, and the herbs.


    Going through the detoxes was like riding a roller-coaster as my

    condition, mental and physical, was always in a flux due to various

    toxins getting released into the bloodstream. When the body is

    trying to get rid of the toxins, it tries every possible means to

    expel them -- through urine, feces, mucus, sweat, rashes, etc. So,

    you can expect a lot of them every day. There were times when I got

    constipated due to toxins, sometimes diarrhea, sometimes severe

    headaches, etc. The primary goal of the detoxes was to clean the

    liver and other internal organs so that they start working properly

    in their full capacity. While the detoxes are going on, those organs

    obviously do not start working properly right away -- it takes time.

    So, the 2 in-patient months were challenging in the least. I lost a

    lot of weight, about 15 pounds, as well.


    Since the detoxes got over, I started feeling better almost every

    day (on average). It has been almost a month since then and now I

    feel a lot better -- my mental symptoms have started to fade away.

    The physical symptoms have gotten a lot better as well. In the past

    week, I have had days when I felt like I never had any problems

    before! I have cut the dose of the allopathic drug to one-third. I

    am taking only 100 mg of Amisulpride now -- and that too to avoid

    the withdrawal symptoms. Tantrik Pranayama is really a blessing -- I

    have also tried Ramdev Baba versions of alternate-nostril and Kapaal-

    Bhati Pranayama, but my experience so far has been that what you can

    achieve with less than 20 minutes of doing tantrik Pranayama, you

    have to do Pantanjali ones for over an hour!


    It all looks positive from here -- I do not fear a relapse due to

    the fact that I have reduced the dosage of the allopathic drug. In

    fact, I am looking forward to weaning the drug further out so that I

    eventually stop taking it in next 5-6 months. I will keep the group



    Thanks to everyone who responded to my postings for showing me the

    way! I sincerely wish that more and more sufferers of mental

    diseases consider pursuing Ayurveda and Yoga as a cure. What God has

    given to us, we humans can never find the same on our own! There is

    an ascending process of gaining/discovering knowledge and there is a

    descending one -- ascending one being that of research and

    development, that of trial and error, that of confusion and

    hipocrisy, that of struggle and wastage of resources; and descending

    one is the one that comes as a gift of love and caring from God

    himself in form of age-old scriptures written by the saints and the

    hermits. It will take a long long time to unfathom the same truth

    that is revealed in the scriptures.







    Could you please let us know who is the vaidhya who gave the treatment and where in India. My close one is having same thing from last 10 years and using the normal medicine. we want to try alternate ayurvedhic ways .. one more thing, do we need to stop the current medicine, if we are going to ayurvedhic route. Please let us know the details. Thanks.

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