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Posts posted by RVS

  1. It is explained that a person having completed the age of 80 years, 8 months and 8 days would have passed through 1000 moon
    . I want to make a comment only on the mathematical aspect. The moon takes approx 29.53056 as per one source and as per Wikipedia 29.530588 days that means 29530.56 or 29,530.588 days for one to witness 1000 full moons. This gives the actual figure of approx 81.83 years not 80.8 years as stated. One can easily arrive this figure by taking full moon that comes on the 10th month after completion of 81 years. I am thankful for all the useful information provided. I hope all Vadhyar's are informed of the simple mistakes they make while arriving at this figure.
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