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Posts posted by kaalbhairav

  1. hi ...

    i came here to read something else but came here and read your valuable article regarding worshipping wife as the goddess.i never share the valuable information i have and dont know what relation u are having wth ur wife right now...since what u wrote was some 9 years ago.since i could not tolerate with what amount of stupidity people have replied you ...i couldnt hold myself back but to answer what u had written.i am a man of very few words and what u will be reading right now is acquired by me after dedicating my whole soul and time in sadhanas and chintan(contemplation).so here is ur answer as ur problem has bee solved.i dont give my golden and valuable suggestions but since i have a feeling that u need it i will go point by point in very very brief as a whole book can be written on what i am going to say now..so i will be extremely brief.

    1. u are absolutely right in your endeavours or efforts regarding worshipping ur lovely wife as a form of goddess .

    2. all the fools who have written foolish and stupid crap regarding that ur wife cant be worshipped are idiots who have no practical experience and are people afraid of sex which is divine and spiritual provided one mate goes to the other with the feelings like one enters a mandir(temple)...full of love and expression.

    3.this has nothing to do wth any veer sadhana.

    4. i want to discuss some meditation techniques i brief

    u should try kameshwari sadhana .worship the goddess of love, beauty and energy...u can use an apsara sadhana or kamakhya(kaameshawari) sahdhana.an image of some other worldly beauty should be created in ur mind to be worshipped as kamakhya(kamakhya is the prime source and ultimate form of all apsara/yakshini / rati/ sundari sadhanas) but it doesnt mean that u have to go only for kamakhya sadhna..i recommend u first worship an apsara for u and ur wife.its better u sit together and perform a sadhana holding each others hand to make a connection in the auras.please be patient..it will take atleast 6 months continuous meditation and sadhana that u will start feeling energy.apsara energy will become a binding force and the beautiful lust u have for each other will act as the sole raw material to get transformed to a yogic level.u will thus become a sadhak and ur wife will cat as a yogini as u are trying to fuse wth her yogically and the apsara or goddess kamakhya will act as the aradhya (the one being worshipped who will act as a binding force)..if sadhana gets successful (i recommend u remain celibate for the time being because ur sexual energy needs to be transformed into spiritual energy.its not a sin to have sex in sadhana days wth the kind of wife u have but if u will lose energy then u will have nothing , no energy to transform to a higher level) its only when u will see ur wife ..have a vision of her as the apsara u will worship...in a dream ...at a point when u will feel sexual desire for her or would want to..as u said eat her up!!) that u will have darshan of ur wife in the dream and just at that moment ur dream will break and u will feel ur body cool wth the amount of energy after the vision or it might be just that u will see ur wife as the most beautiful woman in the universe in the dream and when u will get up..u will feel overwhelmed and ecstatic.the vision u will have of ur wife has nothing to do wth if ur wife knows or not that u had a vision of her.its on this feeling that u will have to concentrate and then u can reach a level of what i just called a vision.u can one by one perform ur sadhnas alone or sit together.this is called the yogini dhyanam...meditating upon ur wife as if she were a yogini , as if she were an apsara...i wouldnt recommend u to go for goddess mahadevi kamakhya worship at the primary stage...but i recommend u an apsara sadhna.yoginis who have love, lust , beauty, energy, youth as their powers and attributes are called apsaras...urvashi, menaka and rambha may not be real apsaras..i doubt that due to some reasons...so i tell u to worship an apsara called kameshavari..since an apsara is a certain kind of yogini...i will now call her kameshwari yogini.she has the most beautiful form, appearance, radiance and is seductive in appearance and wears a red robe...if u 2 sit together in a sadhana...make ur wife sit in a red robe with herself looking her best, clad in red clothes u love to see her in and apply perfume on her u love to smell her in so that the fragrance covers all room.light a lamp( deep or diya) and perform the sadhana most preferably at night.daily atleast 1 hour..i promise u will never fail.there's no need for a yantra...the image u will have of ur wife or of kameshwari devi in ur mind will act as the yantra itself.adorn ur wife wth red flowers and deliver similar red flowers to the goddess kameshawari yogini.its better u draw such an image of kameshwari on a page ...give her perfume, flowers, water, diya and similarly worship ur wife before u set on to a sadhana.do it before its too late.

    now the most serious thing...once u get success in sadhana...the state u wanted to achieve ..the state of eternal union...as if she had eaten u or u eaten her...will be achieved in the most purest form.with sex it couldnt be achieved wth sadhana it can be achieved.go ahead and mind it once u get successful the life force or prana of u two will be joined together such that u wont be separated even after death..thats why i recommended u 2 perform sadhana together holding each other's hand...U WONT BE ABLE TO SEPARATE EVEN IF U 2 WANT TO...SO DONT GO AHEAD IF THERE'S A SLIGHT CHANCE THAT U 2 WANT TO SEPARATE .

    since i gave u all this for free i wont go any further and what charge should i ask from u ..even if u were to give me a lakh of rupees...i wouldnt have taken them as what i give is priceless and what i have shared wth u is something humanity should treasure.u can go ahead without a guru now...there's no need for one for this sadhana..i have given a guidance , more than enough...if u want to ask something, message me ...my id as u can see is kaalbhairav...which i have created just to answer u 5 minutes before i wrote the mesage u are reading right now..otherwise i didnt even had an account.all u want to say should be mailed to me privately!! i wish i get an understanding and loving wife just as u have!!..darn..not everybody's so lucky!! :))


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