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Posts posted by Aparna.D

  1. Dear Guruji,

    Name: Aparna;DOB: 08.06.1983; time : 11. 20 am; place:coimbatore ; currently in UK

    I was working in MNC company, I quit that job due to some personal reason and came to pursue MBA in abroad. But, I worked hard and applied many jobs and later I got 4 months internship opportunity. It was wonderful opportunity given to me by god. It gives added advantage to my CV. Now I dont have job. I am getting interview calls but I am not able to succeed in it. one Interviewer said I am in top 1 among all other candidates. Latest university they were ready to provide work permit and where ready to give good salary. That opportunity also missed. I want to stay in this country and get a good permanent job with good salary. Lots of tensions going on in my mind, till now i was very confident and also encouraged others. sometime I get frustrated. I feel there is lot of jealousy people around me. My visa will expire in 11 months I like to settle here with permanent job. I want to make my parents happy. They struggled lot, if i get a job it will be good.

  2. Dear Sir,


    Name: Aparna

    DOB: 08.06.1983

    time : 11. 20 am



    I was working in MNC company, I quit that job due to some personal reason and came to pursue MBA in abroad. I completed my Masters. Here in this country where I Live, lots of visa restriction and due to that reason its tough to get job and secondly due to racism. But, I worked hard and applied many jobs and later I got 4 months internship opportunity. It was wonderful opportunity given to me by god. It gives added advantage to my CV plus my Project and past work experience. Now I am not doing any job. I am getting interview calls but I am not able to succeed in it. one Interviewer said I am in top 1 among all other candidates , the next day when I spoke to them , they selected a candidate who came next to me.

    Latest one was through a university they were ready to provide work permit and where ready to give good salary. That opportunity also missed.


    My main aim is i have to achieve a lot and come up in my life by myself . I want to stay in this country and get a good permanent job with good salary. I want to make my parents happy .. they struggled a lot till now.


    Lots of tensions going on in my mind, till now i was very confident and also encouraged others. But I feel everything is happening for good. God is there with me.. sometime I get frustrated.


    I feel there is lot of jealousy people around me.


    My visa will expire in 11 months and I dont know whether the company will be ready to give work permit for me or not.. I have to get a permanent job here

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