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Sita Sundari

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Posts posted by Sita Sundari

  1. Hare Krsna,

    I would like to say that LSD is not a intoxicant but in fact the most powerful psychotropic drug known to man. It is not to

    be messed with as it can open subconscious areas of the brain which are or have been buried deeply away so that we can get on

    with life in our present incarnation. What is possible with ingestion of entheogenic drugs, such as certain mushroom and LSD

    which is a kind of mushroom, is that if a person is able to face up to who they are and why they have become separated from the

    full awareness of their true spiritual identity, they can perceive much about themselves. An intoxicant is a substance that will cover

    up our painful past at least for a moment and enhance our ability to enjoy separately from our long term spiritual nature. Entheogenics

    on the other hand take away the veil and allow us to tune into our spiritual self naked of misidentification with the body we are in.

    That can be a nightmare for some people and a heaven for others. One thing is sure, what ever frame of mind we induce during our

    sojourn that will determine our future life, and the eternal vibrational principle open to us at any moment is the flow of pure reality.

    Chanting the holy names of God is the prescribed way to contact that eternal reality as the vibration of the name is the eternal reality

    LSD will make you mad if you can not handle that vibration in full tecnicolour. It may also destroy your material aspirations and lead to

    a life where you feel no one can understand you, like a fish out of water. Such medicine is to be treated with great respect and ingested

    under strict guidance if we are not to fall prey of mental imbalance. The most important principle of communing with the spiritual realm

    through entheogenics is that one must have prepared ones self, that is to be in a state of grace, if that is missing then there is no ability

    to benefit, enthoens are nothing new they have been consumed by people of all races and cultures since so long. What is important to note

    is that it was usually the priestly class, those officiating on behalf of the community that took the medicine, ie shamans and chiefs.


  2. Just like to add that Jayatirtha prabhu was reserved and even shy around women, as one of his students I should just like to put the record straight

    Jayatirtha prabhu was not interested in sex with his disciples, he spent most of his free time engaged in Hari nama Sankirtana with his disciples and

    amongst the women in his sangam like Gita Govinda, Madri, Sita, Lila Mo, Radha, Guna, Yasoda, Gaurangi, Draupadi,Kamala, ect , they would laugh

    in your face if you suggested such a perverted story as the one sighted above.

    Come on guys stop spreading here say by envious people looking to stand on the heads of saintly souls.

    Srila Prabhupada is blessing him, it would take a most misguided person to try to stand between them with foul lies.

    Where there is Lords Krsna , Guru and bhata, love, sweet smelling charm and divine grace flow in loving lila.

    If we could spread just a faint hint of the magic Jayatirtha distributed in his short life we would not be able to remain in

    this place of misguided and lost souls.

    Jayatirtha always comes after Prabhupada, they left this world of Bhumi seva 10 years apart.

    Prabupada on 14-11-1977

    Jayatirtha on 13-11-1987

    A mystical union of causeless mercy.

  3. Hare Krsna,

    So nice to read that Murali Mohan Das, has a treasured memory of Jayatirtha Prabhu and is pure and honest enough to share that with every one. The truth has a strange way of finding the light. I also had the deepest spiritual realisations in the magical association of Jayatirtha Prabhu, but that is to be expected as he is my Guru Maharaja, life after life. He took a grave risk of introducing sacrament to some of his disciples, all along he had seen what was possible for a radical cure and quantum leap for the evolution of mankind. Hari Nama is the unadulterated spiritual substrata of all live, it is a true contact high and eternally purifying. The sacrament is just a small but significant drop of causeless mercy to assist the deprived, access to that innate realm of spontaneous service to Sri Sri Radha Govinda. Communion with the holy name in a profound way, is such a tonic for the weary soul in this dark reign which has so mercifully been lightened by his divine grace Srila Prabhupada. The blessed sacrament is ONLY to be employed in the service of Hari Nama and by those who have exhausted their desires for material life. It is the underlying force of human evolution through out history and is found in all cultures, tribal home lands and societies in ancient history.


    Dear Prabhu, I have seen so many "sweet, sincere, and happy" pictures of "devotees" for more than 35 years. 99% of them are gone. Many have proven to be criminals, pedophiles, thieves, rapists, molesters, and rogues.


    I don't wish to discourage you, but pictures, "results," fame, charisma, shiny faces, teethy smiles, big kirtans, big "results," complicated "shastric" lectures, knowledge of scripture (inside and out), and numerous other fronts mean absolutely nothing - zero.


    ISKCON is a revolving door. The problem is that devotees are trained to be actors. I was told this by the most respected devotee in the movement - here since 1966. He told me that he simply "acts" like a devotee, period.



    At another section in this page there is a reference to false smiles and pretentious devotees. As far as I am aware we should not look at others faults in general. With regards to my Guru Maharaja, I should like to say that his smiles were like his nature devotional and sincere. He also maintained a deep devotion to his Guru Maharaja Srila Prabhupada, up untill his death and far beyond.

    It appears that often so many senior disciples are lumped together and tarred with the same brush. Jayatirtha Maharaja was the first of the so called appointed Guru's to leave ISKCON. He underwent a difficult period after Srila Prabhupada left and maintained a pure link with his Guru Maharaja who guided him in his heart. In or out of ISKCON the programme was the same, devotional seva and Hari Nama.













































































    So don't be so easily fooled by externals, for your own good.


    Real devotion is hidden deep within the heart and is rarely observed by smiley faces, temporary (youthful) effulgence, big big results, blah-blah-blah lectures, silk dhotis, money, traveling here and there on big "preaching" missions, prestige, adoration, rubber stamp appoval, big titles, false humility, credit cards, living secretly on mom and dad's inheritance or money transfers, popularity, fancy writing skills, "the big walk,' snout in the air, over attachment to reciting slokas for everything - including tying one's shoes laces, servants, sycophants. separate quarters (where they feast in opulence on gold plates), first-class travel, bank accounts, and most of all --a noticable lack of mentioning one's eternal debt to Srila Prabhupada.


    Think about it. This is not a challenge. Think what it really means to love Srila Prabhupada, not one's self and one's puny achievements in comparison (of which there is NO comparison whatsoever).




    So, smiles are a dime a dozen, don't you think?

  5. Su devi and Bhu devi are expansions of MahaLaxmi and Sarasvati, I am not sure if Sri devi and Su devi are the same but I think so.

    They are often depicted on each side of Lord Visnu. The devi's Su and Bhu accompany Lord Jagannath in the form of Madhava Mohan on his ceremonial outings from His divine abode Jagannath Mandir. At the time of Chandan Yatra the engage in a mystical boating Lila which is part of the process of bringing down the monsoon's and ensuring the fertility and future well being of life for all on earth. Bhu devi is a form of Sarasvati and a very ancient goddess worshipped in Bengal and Orissa as the foundation of live and the earth mother her self, while She ensures the evolution of mankind through prayer, learning and the formation and correct conduct of language needed to officiate with the Gods, Su devi like Mahalaxmi presides over the propagation, growth and harvest of food grains and their distribution. They have many other internal activities but these are the ones know in general.

  6. I once met a disciple of Srila Prabhupada I do not remember his name but he told me that he asked Prabhupada why is Krsna's skin blue and Prabhupada replied " Krsna has no skin". His divine colour is blue like a fresh rain cloud, he is born on the eighth day of the dark moon like Kali Ma who is also blackish. Lord Jagannath is also black and He came from Nila Madhav the blue stone.

  7. I should like to respond to some of the information in the above posts on truth. It is quite some time since this discussion has gone cold, any way it is not good for misinformation to be left with out clarification and on this account I am feeling obliged to write.

    The relationship between Srila Sridhara Maharaja and Jayatirtha Maharaja is a very deep bond and there are transcripts of their conversations which show something of this deep mutual respect. Jayatirtha was of a different generation to Sridhara Maharaja and so was in a different position in his understanding of how to move Mahaprabhu's mission forward into the modern world. The Guest who posted on the 9-9-2006 described Jayatirtha as young and clueless, while I appreciate his sentiment in defending Jayatirthas position after he had been forced to take sannyas while still in iskcon, though he was young and born in the west he was not clueless, his over view of what was going on was very clear. I also do not agree that he wanted to renounce his responsibility as a guru, as his disciple I know what a first class guru he was and although his position in iskcon was made very difficult if not impossible his faith in his Guru Maharaja was firmly fixed. He advised some of his disciples to take shelter at Srila Sridhara Maharaja's feet if his unconventional methods were taking them out of their comfort zones. One prominent disciple disclosed to me that Jayatirtha Maharaja requested him to stay in iskcon as he was involved in translation works and wanted him to continue with that. I do not know of him ever turning away any one disciple or otherwise who wished to engage in devotional service under his guidance. His passing away was six years after he left iskcon. In those years he worked in a free and creative spirit, always holding Hari Nama in the centre. He had a mystical devotion to the holy name and worked endlessly to facilitate Lord Gouranga's progressive mission.

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