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Posts posted by nila_madhava

  1. pranams. hare krishna!


    Gelatine is an unacceptable product to vegetarians as it is a by-product of the slaughterhouse industry, being made of protein derived from animal bones, cartilage, tendons and other tissues such as pig skin. but there are some that are made from seaweeds like carrageen and the like.


    there are a lot of chewy candies that use gelatine from the beef marrow. check first on the ingredients label. but as the saying goes, better safe than sorry.


    check no this site to know more http://www.vegsoc.org/info/gelling.html

  2. hare krishna! pranams.


    when we make flower garlands for the deities we use needles, but when making tulsi garland you dont use a needle because that will hurt tulsi devi. so we just string or knot it together.


    you get the tip of the tulsi plant to make garlands. half an inch from the tip to allow tulsi to grow more. and its always advisable to use those with manjaris, or the flower.


    i hope i have help you in some way prabhu.

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