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Posts posted by Prasanam

  1. For your health problems, I studied with buddhism and they help to observe everything in my life. The first thing is to observe our emotion, our feeling inside, but after some months of this I noticed that every physical pain I had were because of some emotion that I never looked. We observe that most of the time headeach are due to all the control we have with what is happening in our life. Because you didn't look the control you have in your life, this experience became denser and denser and now it affetcs your physical body.


    Your soul is trying to tell you something about your studies. What was the Real reason why you studied that hard? Were you afraid of something, was it for someone else? this kind of question. When you find why, take a deep breath and accept the feeling that you tried to hide with your studies. After that, you will feel better.

  2. Is someone here did this mantra before?


    The earth mantra: Om prithividhatu Bhumideviya

    Om: Divine syllable

    Prithivi: earth, the dirt

    Dhatu: nature of, aspect of

    Bhum: earth, the planet

    Devi: divinity

    Ya: grammatical association


    I heard that it helps to heal mental illness and stress. I started yesterday and I felt a lot of weird thing. I would like to know if any one else could share his experience with me.

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