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Posts posted by jani




    This is a true story. I recently started making Kefir and I have had

    a lot of it. So, I was feeding some to the dog. He really enjoys it

    and I think his fur is softer now. One day as I was pouring the

    kefir some splashed up into my left eye. I didn't think anything of

    it at the time. Just wiped it away. But, I know it hit me right in

    the eyeball.

    Now, my eye is red and it kind of feels scratchy and after looking up

    pink eye. I think I have pink eye. So, I've been putting collodial

    silver on it. Haven't ordered utopia yet had a little bit of

    something else to use up and it's almost gone. The kind I'm using up

    is .001 microns in size at a concentration of 10 parts per million.

    When anyone else has put collodial silver in their eye does it burn?

    Could this be a bacterial infection from the kefir? Kefir is good

    for your intestines but not for your eyes :-) I've been treating it

    now for about 5 days. Just seems scratchy and can't wear my

    contacts. Should I just give up and go to the eye doctor? or give

    it more time. I also am using over the counter Similasan

    (homeopathic) for the pink eye relief.

    I figure somebody on this group has probably put silver in their eye

    before or could offer info on what they would do.


    Thanks for your help :-)




    I have used CS for my eyes but recently moved on to Magnesium oil!

    If there is an infection ,CS is better of course but I would advice mg oil for permanen use.

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