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Guru Prakash

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Posts posted by Guru Prakash

  1. Originally posted by animesh:

    Tulsidas has never said that 'Rama eats meat,' he said that Rama use to hunt a deer everyday and He give it as a gift to His father. His father eats the deer and Rama partakes meals with His father. He says that while describing Rama's youth in Balakandha, and also in Ram's nuptial celebrations in the same kandha where several dishes of meat were served.


    I have read Tulsidas's Ramacaritmanas published by Gita Press, but did not find what you have mentioned. Anyway, I will read that again and get back to you. But I would appreciate it if you could post here the relevant verses (both Avadhi and English translation).


    Can anybody else who has read Ramacaritmanas comment on this?



    Khsatriyas whose duty is to protect humans, are allowed to hunt. Their work may call for killing human beings. If they have never killed even an animal, will they be able to kill humans?






  2. Originally posted by jndas:

    The other thread was too long, and the subject was misleading, so I am posting this under a new heading. Later, when I get time, I will transfer some of the relevant messages posted by different people in the other thread.

    I am a devotee of Lord Rama. I have no question that Sri Rama ate meat. Aranyakanda Canto VII:13-24 Rama, Lakshmana and Sitha go to sage Suthikshna's hermitage. The sage is concerned that Rama may hunt abundant amount of deer present in the hermitage. Rama promises that he wouldn't kill the deer as that would insult the sage.







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