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Posts posted by BhaktiVikasDass

  1. Hare Krishna Prabhu ji!!

    Let chanting be very natural. Do not force yourself to overdo anything. It is like when you go to Gym you do not actually start with 4 sets of 10 repetitions of 200 pounds bench press the very first day. You go slowly and as you pick up pace you increase the numbers and thus develop the quality. I had the same problem. Because of my everyday busy schedule I could not find enough time to finish 16 rounds each day. Although I use to do 'em when I would get time. But the days I used to do 16 rounds I would feel energitic and fully charged and the day when I could not finish my 16 I would be very slow and all day long I would try to find out time to finish the rest. Any way then I committed myself to 8 rounds and I made sure that I finish my 8 right in the morning and while doing that I pray to Lord Krishna to create a situation where I could finish my 16 right in the morning. There is always a a possibility of improvement. The more you love Krishna the less is seems.

    If you have Tulsi ma then chant sitting besides Tulsi and pray to Tulsi to bless you with Krishna's true bhakti then you will find Krishna getting closer to you on each name of Krishna that you sing/chant...."


    Hare Krishna


  2. Hare Krishna Mark Prabhu ji!

    Please accept my humble obesiances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Thanks for replying to the post.

    Yes, I have already put this business on sale and then meanwhile started thinking about doing other business like Real Estate. As a matter of fact I already have a realestate licence but because of my current business I am not able to devote a good amount of time in real estate. And moreover realestate business takes good amount of time to pickup.


    Also in the due course of time I would like to have a nice Mobile Food van with the name of "Prashaad".


    Hari Bol Prabhu ji,

    BhaktiVikas Dass

  3. Hari Bol Prabhu jis!

    Pls accept my humble obeisances with all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Thanks for replying to my post!


    I definitely appreciate your views. I was in a begining stage of Krishna consciousness at the time of buying this business and did not realize the gravity of the sinful karmic reactions of doing this business.


    Meanwhile today somehow with Krishna's mercy, by one of His good devotees I realized that I should continue with what I am doing with no attachment. It means since there is nothing that is hidden from Krishna and He lives in everyone's heart thus He knows what and how I feel yet it is He who wants us to understand the akarma real well and be aloof from the fruitive results of our karma. Somehow I feel that He is guiding me to do my regular duties without attachment and sincerely. Although I may not have to be happy doing it yet I should also not show my hatered while performing my job and thus do it without attachment and sincerely pray to Lord Krishna to bless me with something pious.


    Hari Bol!!


    BhaktiVikas Dass

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