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Posts posted by Sharma-SN

  1. Originally posted by kailasa:

    . It is this daiva-varëäçrama that should be established all over the world to continue a perfect society for Krisna consciousness. This may be astonishing to foolish critics, but it is one of the functions of a Krisna conscious society."


    Thus varnasrama this continuation of perfection of a society of Consciousness Êrisna, about what as speaks SBST.

    I feel real Dharma functions all by itself without the need for any external agency to establish it or force it. For example the dharma of gurutvaakarshana (Gravity)does not need any body to establish it. The Bhagavatgeeta concept of varnashrama "Guna Karma vibhagena..." has been functioning right from the beginning and continues to be so in the future also. Today we have business class, intellectual class, worker class, clerical class etc., etc., and no body can stop it or take the trouble of establising it. In may opinion anything that is to be established is not repeat not Dharma. Such forced or established dharmas will cease to exist unless they are real Dharmas.






  2. Originally posted by suza:

    I heard the astronauts are using a binaural beat technology to reduce their need for sleep. They said it quickly creates Theta brainwaves, which cause chemical changes that refresh the brain. Rather than taking 8 hours it can occur in about 30 minutes. I did a search and found this http://www.brain.web-us.com/thescience.htm. Here I found it is also used for creating altered states, deep meditation, and visions, has anyone tried this and does it work ? Is it safe ?

    I don't claim much. I am a novice. My preliminary effort is convincing. Controlling your mind to calm down your sensual/perceptional activities helps in reducing the need for sleep/rest considerably. Marathon perceptive deprivation (prolonged meditation) results in visions and certain extra sensory percetion. If interested I can detail my experiences.




  3. Originally posted by Gauracandra:

    The “cultification” of society perhaps. Everyone will have their own little group that they are a part of rather than being part of a greater whole. That is one possibility.

    Dear Chandra,

    I agree with you. Time has witnessed the great change from monorchy, communism to democracy indicating that "each one for himself and God for us all". Considering that every man is unique in himself and has his own individual spiritual development religion should also be individualistic or personal. I feel that we are not far from the day when all religious cults and mass groups will dissolve.





  4. Originally posted by Gauracandra:


    Why do people have kids? Perhaps to raise, to see them uplifted, to grow, and come fully into their own. Perhaps God wants the same for us, that we might grow, and learn, and live up to our full potential in life.

    Respected Gaurachandra,

    Yes you may be right only if I dress up my inner feelings and play good for the society. Stripped of any role I feel men beget children as a price for their indulgence. In the absence of the fear of society, and the moral tradition built over years, one wouldn't take the burden of bringing up the children. The race for less children leading to no children is a welcome sign for many.


  5. Originally posted by karunanidhi:



    And empirically I don't see a way how planets, even if they have a conciousness, could be determining our fate. But I believe that there is a higher reality and planets are only gross expressions that our senses can perceive.



    Dear Karunanidhi,

    There is more truth in things than our senses can percieve. If one sees the number of dish and other antennas they just look dead metal structures, without any power or intelligence. But only the telecommunication engineer perceives their role and understands their importance to proper communication. Similarly the number of satellites that are hovering over this planet (many of them passive)look seemingly lifeless, but you know that without them we would not be communicating. Even if it is agreed that they are secondary to the actual communication equipments they are the last-mile realities that can not be ignored. Their position, shape etc., determines the ability of the real systems to reach the required target.

    While the higher reality is the ultimate cause the actual links are only achieved by the planets and they have a crucial role to play.





    Originally posted by jndas:


    yanti deva-vrata devan

    pitrin yanti pitri-vratah

    bhutani yanti bhutejya

    yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam


    "Those who worship the Devas go to the abode of the Devas. Those who worship the ancestors (Pitrus) go to the abode of the ancestors [Pitru-loka]. Those who worship ghosts and spirits will go to the abode of the ghosts. And those who worship Me will come to Me."


    Respected JNDas,

    My doubt is whether worshiping is left to individual choice? --

    I believe that one's worshiping, believing, or one's drive to do certain things all depend on his prarabdha karma i.e, his level of spiritual attainment. In the sanscrti dictionary the other name given to prarbda karma is deva. In other words deva guides the destiny of people. I also feel that as one's karma ripens one will become deva itself.


  7. Originally posted by bharath:


    i think i should rephrase it.

    what was god's purpose/necesity for creation

    of this world,of man,of the other creatures.why does he need to do all this?


    [This message has been edited by bharath (edited 06-06-2002).]

    There is a controversy abt "Creation itself"

    Nothing is created -- just like ice is not created but it is a different state of water and similarly vapour is another state of water itself.--- Thus some believe that God in different states appear as this world and its inhabitants.


  8. Originally posted by vinay:

    religion i guess is now not practised as it ws before. with the advent of the electronic tools, less time is being spent on rituals and prayers, or rather it s not conducted as it was supposed to be before. in this aspect what is the importance of religion in todays world? wht role did it have in the earlier time and what role does it hav 2day.

    Religion or to be more precise Spirituality i.e., the urge to know the ultimate present itself differently at different times. Earlier the general level of dispassionate thinking among people was relatively low and it was necessary to spend more time in rituals and prayers. These past efforts have now slowly showing results by raising the general level of unbiased approach to things and reducing sentiments. I believe this has enabled man to enhance his capabilities and bring about the complex environment -- multinationa coporate organisations, high tech and complext communication facilties etc. Whle we are yet to reach higher levels we have definitely raised above the ritulistic and highly religious environment. That is why it is said the in Kaliyuga just chanting of God's name is sufficient and will bring about the same benefits of earlier rituals. As we progress I believe we will one day reach the summit when the gap between the creator and created will narrow down and perhaps at the ultimate level it will disappear.





  9. I think God created man and other living and non-living things for the same reason that man created tools, instruments, and thinking machines like computers etc. Tools, machines etc., ease and aid man's creations and similarly man and other things in this world aid God's objectives. Just like a spanner can not imagine the objective of its creation man also can not understand the purpose of his creation. He is too small to comprend God's plans.




  10. I think God created man and other living and non-living things for the same reason that man created tools, instruments, and thinking machines like computers etc. Tools, machines etc., ease and aid man's creations and similarly man and other things in this world aid God's objectives. Just like a spanner can not imagine the objective of its creation man also can not understand the purpose of his creation. He is too small to comprend God's plans.




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