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Posts posted by zaxona

  1. Hello every body,

    What actually is this 'siyaar singhi'

    Siyaar Singhi are of two types.

    Type 1 - it is found only in the leader of the pack of jackals, that too when it howls at night. Basically the leader of the pack of jackal starts howling and continue to do so, till it faints. At this time/condition, it develops this so called horns in its head. If you are lucky and brave enough to cut it off then you sure can get this 'siyaar singhi'. But, it is a difficult task as all the members of the jackal pack give up their life protecting their leader. So you really have to be very lucky to get this rare piece.

    It signifies leadership and bravery hence this 'siyaar singhi' was usually kept by maharajas and his generals.

    Type 2 - it is found only in a particular species of jackals, that too one in a thousand. When a jackal of this species becomes very old, it looses its ability to move fast and hunt its prey, 'nature never leaves its habitants to die and suffer', hence it is during this time that it develops this horns called 'siyaar singhi'. This horns have a rare ability to hypnotize and attract other animals towards the jackal making it easier for the jackal to prey on its victim. It have a kind of a hypnotic power. It is usually kept by businessman to draw in more customers/clients.


    Both this two types of 'siyaar singhi' have an unexplained phenomenon, ie, they grow in length and their hair also grows if it is kept in vermillion (Sindoor) inside a silver container. This very vermillion (Sindoor) test is also used to validate its genuiness. If a 'siyaar singhi' is eating this vermillion (Sindoor) then it is said to be genuine.

    'Siyaar Singhi' is very rare and difficult to obtain, and only the chosen and the lucky ones will be able to lay their hands on a genuine 'siyaar singhi'. Though fake ones are readily available in the market having cost range from Rs. 51 - Rs 501.

    'Siyaar Singhi' is a much sought after treasure these days because it is rare and is used in tantrikism (occult) as well as kept in houses to ward off evil spirits and also to increase fortune and prosperity. It is said this item is widely used for protection from wild animals, evil spirits and dangerous forth comings, etc. There are also several prayogs (uses) that exist eg. to fullfill wishes, to get money, alter karma through shiyar singhi, etc.

    It is also said that its bearer will be very fortunate and prosperous.



  2. Hello every body,

    What actually is this 'siyaar singhi'

    Siyaar Singhi are of two types.

    Type 1 - it is found only in the leader of the pack of jackals, that too when it howls at night. Basically the leader of the pack of jackal starts howling and continue to do so, till it faints. At this time/condition, it develops this so called horns in its head. If you are lucky and brave enough to cut it off then you sure can get this 'siyaar singhi'. But, it is a difficult task as all the members of the jackal pack give up their life protecting their leader. So you really have to be very lucky to get this rare piece.

    It signifies leadership and bravery hence this 'siyaar singhi' was usually kept by maharajas and his generals.

    Type 2 - it is found only in a particular species of jackals, that too one in a thousand. When a jackal of this species becomes very old, it looses its ability to move fast and hunt its prey, 'nature never leaves its habitants to die and suffer', hence it is during this time that it develops this horns called 'siyaar singhi'. This horns have a rare ability to hypnotize and attract other animals towards the jackal making it easier for the jackal to prey on its victim. It have a kind of a hypnotic power. It is usually kept by businessman to draw in more customers/clients.

    Both this two types of 'siyaar singhi' have an unexplained phenomenon, ie, they grow in length and their hair also grows if it is kept in vermillion (Sindoor) inside a silver container. This very vermillion (Sindoor) test is also used to validate its genuiness. If a 'siyaar singhi' is eating this vermillion (Sindoor) then it is said to be genuine.

    'Siyaar Singhi' is very rare and difficult to obtain, and only the chosen and the lucky ones will be able to lay their hands on a genuine 'siyaar singhi'. Though fake ones are readily available in the market having cost range from Rs. 51 - Rs 501.

    'Siyaar Singhi' is a much sought after treasure these days because it is rare and is used in tantrikism (occult) as well as kept in houses to ward off evil spirits and also to increase fortune and prosperity. It is said this item is widely used for protection from wild animals, evil spirits and dangerous forth comings, etc. There are also several prayogs (uses) that exist eg. to fullfill wishes, to get money, alter karma through shiyar singhi, etc.

    It is also said that its bearer will be very fortunate and prosperous.



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