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Posts posted by hathgola

  1. A simple logic IF so many people or you can say exactly Souls are wishing together for the Kalki to be appeared , The God must have to appear or may be already appeared on the earth, prophet Mohammed was a great saint but he was not Kalki avatar there is a huge list for the things to be done by Kalki avatar few of them, these things always get disclose and they are very important to note, kalki would be famous in the whole world as per nostradamus


    1st as Ram bhagwan in treta ordered hanuman to wait for me till i come back at the end of the Kalyuga.

    2nd it has been described mentioned in the Scriptures that Kalki would reform one Religion in all over the world and would assign his own people to lead all over the world.

    3rd At the end of Kali Yuga, Ashwatthama is to meet Sri Kalki, the tenth and final avatar of Lord Vishnu.


    & lot more

  2. first of all sorry for the things i'm going to say,, if its going to hurt you,,, accept the fact and you are not a Krishna devotee you are a devotee of that girl. how Krishna can release you if you yourself don't want to get free from this cage as she is not replying you so so what you want now? ,, you want Krishna to come and tell you the fact, it really doesn't matter how much you are chanting because Krishna himself can't help unless you want to help your self .


    Krishna don't require the proper method or any other formality of chanting he just need love and how one person can love you if you don't love him.


    if you love Krishna only then You deserve Krishna love, its really hard for me to make you understand about the things because me too is still trying to love Krishna but its really very hard to love him with clear mind and open heart, Stop crying as You cannot change your fate so stop thinking about it, Try to love Krishna not to solve your problems but to get his love.

  3. I've seen some post in this forum that ved veas of future would be Ashwathama.


    So in each Davapar yug Krishna would reappear and war of mahabharat will take place and Pandavs and kauravs will be back again it is creating lots of questions in my mind.


    1. Who would be the next Bhishm.

    2. Who would be the next Karan.

    3. Who would be the next Arjun.


    Means how this thing works??,, every time same thing will repeat itself so the Future treta people will be already aware about previous treta yug?? the krishna and mahabharat war.


    And if Ashwathama would be the next Vedveas he will stop the happening of mahabharat war.


    Oh Please reply people




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