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Posts posted by vata

  1. I'm confused! some tests say I'm a pitta-vata, some say I'm a vata-pitta and others type me as pitta-kapha-vata!so I'm not sure about my real dosha!I think vata is more dominant in my body with the exception of being thin!(I'm not overweight but I'm not thin either! I want to lose those extra pounds.)pitta is dominant in my mind,I guess! I'm not stress-free even in my dreams!my dreams are full of stress,fear,fight,escape,discussion,doubt and confusion.if I'm a pitta-vata or vata-pitta,how should I lose those last extra pounds?!may be I'm a 3 doshic person! I don't know whether kapha is the accused or the pitta?!!please help me to solve this problem!also plz give me a guideline for losing weight.

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