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Posts posted by Keen

  1. So what? where I live if you didn't have a previous relationship nobody would wana date you. People would call you names and make fun of you. Virgins are made fun of here. Previous relationships teach you much needed lessons. They expand your horizon but I guess in your country its the opposite.


    Listen, its no big deal if she's had a relationship with someone else before. Don't dig the past and concentrate on your future together. Look at the bigger picture. Study some books from other cultures and open your mind. Whats bothering you is no big deal in reality. Its just conditioning of the mind by society and culture. Its not the absolute truth. If you were born somewhere else this wouldn't be bothering you at all.


    I don't know how better to explain this but being in a relationship is totally normal. At this age this is to be expected. Besides, in the grand scheme of things such trivialities don't matter. The spirit doesn't care. Didn't Krishna have hundreds of girlfriends? Wasn't Draupadi married to 5 men? The spirit of your girlfriend could have been a man in a precious life. Does that mean you're in love with a a man and are gay? No. The man she had a relationship with could have been her brother in a previous life and so on and on. You get the idea. In the realm of the spirit, such things as having multiple relationships don't matter at all. Very few people can be devoted to one single person their entire lives.


    Anyway, if you want to lead a happy life, stop digging into the past and concentrate on your present and future. Good luck!

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