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Posts posted by swamikrsna

  1. Dear VS:

    You have Saturn in the 12th house, the house of losses. I will not recommend you to wear Blue Sapphire, as it will bring bad luck and very many losses including imprisonment to you, especially during Saturn periods. So avoid it. Consider wearing Rahu Gem - Gomedh in the middle right hand finger. It will bring extreme luck to you.

    Good Luck

    Swami Krsna

  2. Dear Robin:

    You have Rahu and Moon conjoined with Jupiter in Pisces. Rahu and Moon conjoined will delay and deny marriage.

    If you seek marriage with a person born in India, that it not a reality. Your marriage is with a foreigner, during Mercury / Rahu bhukti that commences on May 2012 and will end November 2014. It's a love marriage you have.

    You have a better job prospect coming your way 245 days after your birth day in May 2011.

    In the meantime, just sharpen your skills and do couple more certifications.

    Good Luck,

    Swami Krsna

  3. Dear Vevek:

    You have three planets in the 10th house, Jupiter (yellow sapphire), Ketu (Cat's Eye) and Sun (Ruby). But your Jupiter is combusted by Sun 100%.

    Combusted planet's gem will not give results, hence avoid Yellow Sapphire.

    10th house planets are suggested to bring auspicious results, hence, I will recommend you to wear Ruby, 1st Choice.

    The 2nd choice will be planet in the 11th house, Mercury (Emerald).

    Trust my explanation inspire you,

    Swami Krsna

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