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Posts posted by cakora

  1. It is said that if one is conscious of Paramatma (SuperSoul) within the heart - then one will never be lonely, as you realize your best friend, Krsna, is always with you.


    I remember once when I was going to Mayapura, a few years back, I went to the Temple President to get an intro letter to get free accomodation in one of rooms the Temple had bought at the Lotus building.

    The TP wanted to know if I was travelling with anyone and I replied 'no'. Then he wanted to know if I was going 'alone alone'. I paused momentarily, as I thought I already made myself clear that I was not travelling with anyone else. I reflected briefly more deeply this time and replied, 'well, with Krsna.' He responded with rolling his eyes up. Posted Image


  2. This morning I heard on the radio news that George has been cremated in a Hare Krsna ceremony and that his ashes will be sprinkled in India.


    Later on, there was also an announcement on George being the spiritual Beatle and then they played an excerpt of him speaking. George explained how he used to drink alcohol in order to get high, but then he realized that to get high, you needed to have pure consciousness - and that drugs and alcohol clouded the consciousness. And that now he no longer takes these substances.


    Thanks for your contribution to the world, George.

  3. Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

    Sanatana Dharma - Some Questions


    Does Sanatana-dharma accept Prophets and Messiahs?

    Yeah, why not.

    Are there any dogmas within Sanatana-dharma?

    I looked up the word 'dogma' in the dictionary, and it said 'principle, tenet, doctrinal system'. I think there is a 'principle' that one's thoughts and actions should be 'uplifting' to one's self. The word dogmatic had a more negative meaning 'imposing personal opinion, arrogant.' I think dogmatic people have successfully infiltrated every known religion to mankind and many misunderstandings exist.


    What is the role of sects such as Vaisnavas' within Sanatana-dharma?

    Ummm... the 'lead' role?




  4. Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

    Sanatana Dharma - Some Questions


    Does Sanatana-dharma accept Prophets and Messiahs?

    Yeah, why not.

    Are there any dogmas within Sanatana-dharma?

    I looked up the word 'dogma' in the dictionary, and it said 'principle, tenet, doctrinal system'. I think there is a 'principle' that one's thoughts and actions should be 'uplifting' to one's self. The word dogmatic had a more negative meaning 'imposing personal opinion, arrogant.' I think dogmatic people have successfully infiltrated every known religion to mankind and many misunderstandings exist.


    What is the role of sects such as Vaisnavas' within Sanatana-dharma?

    Ummm... the 'lead' role?




  5. Originally posted by darwin:

    Some of you must have been praying for me. Over the last 2 weeks I have:


    Been chanting quite allot more than I had been.


    Stopped eating garlic and onion.


    Shaved off my foot long beard.


    Been going to Mangala Arati almost every day.


    Started wearing a dhoti and Tilak at the Temple.


    And a few other improvements in my thoughts and behaviors that I am now too well behaved to discuss!


    Thank you for your kind thoughts.


    Hari Bol!





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