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Dilip Trasi

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Posts posted by Dilip Trasi

  1. I agree with yosy and others who support both methods.


    You can refer to the mythological story of Rishi Brighu and his son which supports this viewpoint.


    Neti (not this) and Kohum (who am I) are obverse and reverse of the same coin, which is 'atmavichar' (self-enquiry). Every intellectual reply to kohum has to be negated with "anvaya" (analysis) and understanding, symbolically termed as neti. Who am I and neti are not to be repeated by rote, but with due deliberation, in order for them to produce the desired effect. Following any one of them is also effective since the other follows by resound-- action, reaction and resound. Some are of the opinion that repeating "who am I" without seeking an answer is the right method. The final result is the disappearance of the enquirer or the negator, leading to the experience of "WHO" one really is. Not everyone is lucky to get the experience the first time or everytime. I hope this clears the confusion and does not lead to more of it.


    Dilip Trasi

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