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Posts posted by imported_Subala

  1. We all know about and read about what men supposed/used to do and women suppose/used to do from a puranas and etc...


    And kali yuga is here, and the end result is as I percieve it that there is not enough leaders in our communities who set an example by demonstrating how KC grihastha couple should act.


    Please don't take me wrong there are such devotees almost in every community who trying to do the best but there is no system to teach all of them to act on a same platform.


    Prabhupada wanted us to go evey year to Mayaur or Vrindavana - who is doing it every year? We have seminars and classes but is there a system which allows Bhakta John from Washington DC and Bhakta Doe from New Zealand temple to get same teaching about our philosophy, view on devotee relashionship, marriage, behaviour, standarts. - no!


    If I was looking for a solution - The solution to Unify teaching and philosophy and standarts shodl come from Monthly (weekly) tape program made by advanced preachers/devotees, and reviewed by GBC before it ships out to ALL the temples and communities which has to be on standing order to get this tapes and listen to them weekly.


    So same message will go out to all the communities and this is the only way to keep 100s thousands of people unified in KC and philosophy.




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