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Posts posted by Sangeeta1


    Two year back, I had a dream where Maha Vishnu appeared in my dream.The dream seemed really realistic and spiritual.

    Vishnuji appeared in my dream and in my dream i was thanking him for giving me Darshan through Dream to bless me.The dream was highly detailed even though, back then I hadn't taken look at the Hindu god's idols or photos in a detailed way.But, still Vishnuji's appearance was highly detailed just like in the photos/portraits with the four arms,lotus,chakra etc.I could hear slokas and spiritual bells ringing in my ears.i had a vibration all over my body during the dream and got up shivering and sweating.


    SO my question is, can anyone get dreams about Lord Maha Vishnu giving darshan or not?please explain the meaning of this dream



    I have had exactly the same dream quite a while back maybe 7 years ago, to be honest I was quite surprised by the dream. It appeared similar to yours a very distinct image of Lord Vishnu and to this day I don't know why I had the dream. However, in my dream I was asking him a question and he didn't reply.

    Maybe its a sign that we should become more spiritual and have faith in god as he is always looking down.

  2. Hi,

    Having read your thread I think that if you are not already married to her then you should ask her directly. Its clearly something that is bothering you, and I am sure she would understand. But if she has been in a relationship previously and she tells you would that make things worse for you? You also need to way up if its worth finding out - what would you achieve if anything?!


    If you have married her since your last post then this question would not be appropriate to be asked.


    Best of Luck.

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