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Posts posted by recruit

  1. Originally posted by Tarun:

    World Trade Centre As It Was


    In no way can a fire and an aeroplane hitting the towers as high as the WTC's towers were hit lead to the collapse of the lower structure. The kinetic energy from the hits can not have been the reason for the collapse of the towers. (Reason, see above.)


    From watching television pictures and film of the collapsing towers, I noticed one of the towers collapsed from above, while the other collapsed from below the fire. Such collapses could be compared to what would happen if the bearing structures were weakened in an explosion. There is no way in which a fire caused by aero fuel could cause such a collapse!!!



    Very Interesting. I would like to add some further information to your excellent piece here.


    I once watched a documentary on imploding buildings. They do this when a building must be torn down. The expert on the narration explained that it was very very tricky business to set the explosives just right so the tower would collapse inwardly, folding downward and keeping the rubble and debris within the safety perimeters they mapped out before the job, to avoid collateral damage and injury in the surrounding area. The explosives were shown set strategically throughout the structure, on every floor. They showed a successful collapse, by detonation, of a tall skyscraper. When I saw the twin towers collapse, live, I saw exactly the same type of implosion as I saw on this documentary. I IMMEDIATELY suspected that explosives had been strategically placed throughout the towers to orchestrate the collapse, which it certainly appeared to have been unable to be caused by the aircraft given how and where they struck and exploded in the buildings. It never made sense to me how the towers collapsed, given the apparent source of the implosion, the aircrafts crashing into them. Your analysis clarifies this even further, but I think it is significant that it was obvious to the naked eye, that eye being intelligent and informed. What I can't fathom is why no one, NO ONE, has challenged the possibility of those planes actually causing the collapse. Surely there must be professionals all over who saw the collapse and could verify that the collapse could not have occured via the airplanes. Perhaps those professionals who could verify the impossibility of such a phenomenon are afraid for their lives. Very interesting about who was missing that morning!


    Let Freedom Ring!

    In Krsna We Trust!

  2. Originally posted by darwin:

    From the Vegan Society website : "Once the cow has given birth, her calf is usually removed after a few hours. In nature calves would normally suckle for 6-12 months...As it is the birth of the calf that causes milk production, it is critical for the farmer that the cow becomes pregnant again during lactation and produces the next calf one year after the previous one." The calves are then killed.

    If I were one of them poor mistreated cows, I'd sure want some of my milk to end up in the hands of devotees to be offered to Krsna. Nothing condones this typical kali yuga treatment, but this phenomenon is not caused by devotees who purchase milk, nor will it be stopped or decreased if devotees desist in purchasing milk. Meanwhile, the cows are eternally benefitted. You want to accuse devotees of fanaticism, per your comment on sex, but then you want to get all fanatical on another point, so you cancel yourself out. And just about everything you touch and use in your daily life is culled from Mother Bhumi via rape and violence, cow treatment is only the tip of the iceberg. I'd have a cow myself if I could, but as I can't, I buy milk, and offer it to Krsna.


    Iskcon produces almost no milk with their farming formula. Iskcon instead buys mass quantities of milk products from the baby cow killing industry.

    Yes, it is indeed unfortunate that ISKCON has neglected it's farming communities, sold them off mostly, and neglected cow-protection. Again, this is only the tip of the iceberg of ISKCON neglect. The children have been neglected too, and the women, as well as the protection of any dependent members. I would like to see this change, but how likely is that? But that doesn't change the fact that the devotees buying milk for offering to Their Lordships benedicts the cows the milk comes from. In this society, where they are all slaughtered in the end, their only hope is getting some of their milk onto an altar of transcendental devotional service to Sri Krsna!


    In Krsna We Trust!

  3. There is only one religion, Harer Namah...chant the Holy Names. All others are subsidiary. Krsna has unlimited names, of which Allah, Yaweh and Buddha are but a few. What is there left to argue about? Nothing, time for action folks, time to get out in the streets and purify the atmosphere with Harinam!


    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

    Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama

    Rama Rama Hare Hare


    Let Freedom Ring!(with the sound of the Holy Name!)

    In Krsna We Trust!

  4. Originally posted by shvu:

    Thanks SD. That is a real cool compliment. If it were not for Darwin, people would have still been under the impression that God waved his wand and man was created. Now thanks to him, there is an alternate plausible explanation.



    Whatever the scientists can explain about Krsna's energies through their studies, they can be commended for. But still, out of dark ignorance, they do not recognize the source of these energies that they study. They do not recognize the Supreme Being Whose plan/the laws of nature they are studying. They are to be pitied, for they are headed towards devolvement from human consciousness, such a shame and such a waste. But mostly, such a tragedy for the millions who blindly follow their inconclusive, incomplete and misleading ideas, who are all headed towards devolvement, barring some unlooked for causeless mercy! Thus we must take the Holy Name into the street in every town and village, for then all living entities will have the opportunity to drink of causeless nectarean mercy and taste transcendence, thus waking up their sleeping souls and liberating them from mundane constictions in this prison house.


    Darwin denounced his own findings on his deathbed. Too bad all the darwinists didn't follow his ideas through to his final conclusion!


    In Krsna We Trust!

  5. Originally posted by shvu:

    Thanks SD. That is a real cool compliment. If it were not for Darwin, people would have still been under the impression that God waved his wand and man was created. Now thanks to him, there is an alternate plausible explanation.



    Whatever the scientists can explain about Krsna's energies through their studies, they can be commended for. But still, out of dark ignorance, they do not recognize the source of these energies that they study. They do not recognize the Supreme Being Whose plan/the laws of nature they are studying. They are to be pitied, for they are headed towards devolvement from human consciousness, such a shame and such a waste. But mostly, such a tragedy for the millions who blindly follow their inconclusive, incomplete and misleading ideas, who are all headed towards devolvement, barring some unlooked for causeless mercy! Thus we must take the Holy Name into the street in every town and village, for then all living entities will have the opportunity to drink of causeless nectarean mercy and taste transcendence, thus waking up their sleeping souls and liberating them from mundane constictions in this prison house.


    Darwin denounced his own findings on his deathbed. Too bad all the darwinists didn't follow his ideas through to his final conclusion!


    In Krsna We Trust!

  6. Not even close. Spirituality is transcendence, and that includes transendent to mundane intellect. Transcendence can only be understood by tasting it, and the taste can only be given by one who is spiritually situated. Without tasting transcendence, no amount of knowledge can satisfy the soul's search for it's genuine identity, it's spiritual transcendent self.


    Originally posted by Caitanyachandra:

    "Why does He not apply spirituality"


    It would be interesting to know what you mean by using intelligence instead of spirituality. As far as i Know, SPirituality is applying the logic of intellect on reality.


  7. Not even close. Spirituality is transcendence, and that includes transendent to mundane intellect. Transcendence can only be understood by tasting it, and the taste can only be given by one who is spiritually situated. Without tasting transcendence, no amount of knowledge can satisfy the soul's search for it's genuine identity, it's spiritual transcendent self.


    Originally posted by Caitanyachandra:

    "Why does He not apply spirituality"


    It would be interesting to know what you mean by using intelligence instead of spirituality. As far as i Know, SPirituality is applying the logic of intellect on reality.


  8. Originally posted by Gauracandra:

    ...the 1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, in which 50,000 people caused an estimated $3 million in damage during four days of rioting.



    This is how disinformation/propaganda works. That loss in money was not from vandalizm it was loss of revenue for the business days the district was shut down.


    Corporations are destroying the world, no contest there, and globilization may well destroy the little freedom there is.


    Let Freedom Ring!

    In Krsna We Trust!



  9. Originally posted by Janus:

    ...We toOk a leap of faith, a big one, and we depended upon Krsna and Srila Prabhupada to catch us. That they did not live up to our childish expectations, that the world did not become Krsna Conscious overnight as we all expected it to, and that the movement turned into a theater for abuse has provoked many to become criticizing rather than critical.

    The ladies post in question is an emotional respose to the crticisms that are coming in from many directions against Srila Prabhupada, and it is thus not articulated very well. ... The lady posting this thread feels that there is something wrong with attacking Srila Prabhupada, she is expressing her loyalty and her willingness to defend him, she is in pain.

    Hari bol

    I quite enjoyed your posts till this one, which does seem a bit patronizing to me, and containing presumptions. I also had no difficulty with the original topic post, didn't find it ambiguous or lacking. I also saw that as far as making people uncomfortable, well, I perceive it as seeing what crawling out from the rocks. I think some of us owe 'the lady in question' an apology.


    In Krsna We Trust!

  10. Originally posted by jijaji:

    What a totally dumb invitation (DEBATE THIS) in the 1st place..!

    Who would want to come..? Nice trapping method for putting the unbelievers in place.. Posted Image

    And when some do come and dissagree they are verbally stoned as DEMONS.







    Posted Image



    Invitation was to debate, not attack. What I've seen is a string of attacks by ignorant fools who hate the premis of this debate, but can't defeat it, all defeated by a variety of posters who are speaking according to guru shastra and sadhu. According to the rules of debate, this means that the original premise is still axiomatic until defeated, and all defeated by it, ie. those not able to defeat it, must change and accept it or reveal themselves as the anti-guru/shastra/sadhu snakes they are.


    Now come on all you guys, admit that you're wrong and just attacking the poster and start apologizing to the ones you attack for representing their spiritual master! Quickly, end this animosity! The time has come for universal sankirtana! The world needs us!


    Harinam sankirtan ki jaya!

    Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!


    Let Freedom Ring!

    In Krsna We Trust!


  11. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    Anti-Americanism has long been the vicious, irrational, global ideology of our time. "It combines," says Sir Michael Howard, the historian, "the nastiest elements of the right and left." It is dangerous and stupid and, in the days after September 11, shockingly distasteful.


    In the name of God, more than 6,000 noncombatants are dead, more than 6,000 families bereaved. From what dark wells of malevolence springs this dreadful reflex desire to dance on their graves?

    Yes, so out of touch with reality. To condone or praise the dastardly acts of 9-11 is partaking in the evil of it, to be sure. Still, there is nothing irrational about protesting the abuses our Corporations inflict upon the world, especially exploiting the poorest of mankind and destroying the environment.


    America has more soul, culture and a lot more God than any of her critics - but it is the predictably banal rhetoric of envy.

    In Krsna We Trust!

    God bless Amerika!


    Fear of the bomb was such that it provoked in some an abiding belief that at any moment we would be fried or irradiated because of the miscalculation of some mad American in a cowboy hat - an image burnt into many brains by Stanley Kubrick's apocalyptic film Dr Strangelove.

    It really doesn't matter who pushes the button or whether said button-pusher is wearing a hat of any kind. Nuclear destruction is still a reality to be wary of!


    For Bin Laden and for many more moderate Muslims, the turning point was the Gulf war in 1990-91.


    Well, my dear prabhus, I have it on tape that we gave Saddam his helicoptors with guns which he then used to murder innocent throngs of people, people demonstrating for freedom and the Amerikan way. That was betrayal, not only of the innocents Saddam was then able to murder, but of the Amerikan People who believe our military is fighting for liberty and justice everywhere.


    The truth about the Gulf war was that the Americans saved an Arab state, Kuwait, from Saddam Hussein, the most savage oppressor in the region.

    Ahem. The truth is also that although we won the war we did not take the necessary step of removing this despot. In the words of his emminence General Schwarttzkappfenogger, 'I want the country to be controlled by a dictator who overthrows Saddam from within'. I have this on tape. Straight from his mouth, our top general in charge of the war, did not want to liberate the Iraqui people from totalitarianism. How many Amerikans know this?


    Do the chatterers know what Saddam is still doing? I do and I'm with the Americans.

    And why? Because the General left him in power, even though we won the war hands down. Think about it.


    Whose side are you really on?


    I'll go with Krsna and Arjuna!

  12. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    This means, ironically enough, that we provide the food which gives those that chant "Death to America" the energy to do so.

    Although it cannot be condoned to slaughter innocents, we also have to rekognize the fact of how Corporate Amerika is ravaging the natural rescources of the Third World, increasing impoverishment, and this US Business imposed impoverishment, which destroys the ancient upkeep systems of these hapless peoples, like burning down their rubber plantations and ancient Teakwood forests, is not sufficiently countered by our aid packages. Honest assessment of these goings on are necessary if the world is going to be stabilized with the inborne right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and justice for all, as delineated by our great Constitution and Bill of Rights. Seems the anti-peaceniks are equally fanatical to the peaceniks but in this, the opposite direction, denial.


    As an aside, this call for an international court and a "just trial," strangely enough, seems somewhat out of place for a place like Berkeley. These are usually the people who decry the criminal justice system as unjust,...

    No, the complaint is the system is corrupt, not unjust. This corruption is a fact, not rhetoric of crazy people. Our Constitution is flagrantly violated daily in the unjust corrupt use of the system that occurs today in our courts. To descry the corruption is not to offend the spirit of the Constitution and the Amerikan belief in justice and liberty!


    The peace movement, like other social movements before it, has seen its best times come and go. But like so many others, it will never realize this, and will continue to flail away on the dream that the glory days they once enjoyed can be recreated, if only for a moment.

    The peace movement has actually moved on to the form of Sri Krsna Sankirtan!!! Time to get out the peace formula and distribute it widely. Take to the streets and chant Harinam! Idealism is not an evil thing, however much arrogant fools wish to deride those whose hearts will not give up their ideals. That the ideals these peaceniks espousements are about cannot be always met, necessary military action being an equally valid activity, does not transform the ideal itself into a bad thing.


    Like drug addicts looking for a better high, these aging hippies continue to futilely attempt to relive that heyday, unwilling to accept the reality that society has changed, and that while the clothes may come back one day, the set of circumstances that created that era probably will not. It is time to grow up and move on.

    Society has changed alright, since Tricky Dick & Co. quelled the revolution of the sixties, waged an actual war against our own citizens to shut them up, thus denying the very freedom our military is supposed to insure. Society is going downhill very very swiftly, and Corporate Amerika has successfully placed 'himself' in the perfect position for enslaving what is left of the world's 'free' people. Watch your backs!


    ...supposedly magical time.

    The magic was real, as all devotees know, being that it was a Divine Stage on which Lord Sri Krsna's pure unalloyed devotee danced and distributed Krsna Prema.


    Regrettably this 'hate America' crowd will always be with us. A parasite on society,...

    And here is a perfect example of why there is always so much turmoil instead of commisseration and co-operation. Idealism is not about hating Amerika! It's about loving the TRUE Amerika!


    Let Freedom Ring!

    In Krsna We Trust!

  13. Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

    ... Unlike the wars of the 20th century, its goal is not even rhetorically "progressive." Its goal is not to correct or improve the West. Its goal is not even to make the Islamic nations more democratic or prosperous or innovative. Its goal is to remove the goad that the existence of the West ? proactively democratic, proactively urging nations to economic development ? has presented to Muslim elites.

    And the idea that the world must be run on economics as the supreme freedom is being is being assumed axiomatic why?


    Their socialist, anti-capitalist tradition blocks them from even considering economic development based upon private property, enterprise, innovation, and discovery.

    Yet because Corporate Amerika has been given the rights of individuals, thus giving them the unfair advantage against the actual individuals, the Amerikan People, Corporate Amerika is in the position of committing earthocide airocide waterocide and more, creating inequality of opportunity, as well as many unfed children. How can we let the children of the world go hungry and feel we are vaisnavas? Prasadam must be distributed everywhere and keep their little spirits happy!!!!!


    The ideal of the equality of women and men profoundly disturbs their inner peace.

    LOL! As it does men everywhere!


    The practices of open dissent, loyal opposition, negotiation, compromise, ambiguity in practice, and diversity of religious worship and belief seem to them...

    In Krsna We Trust! All glories to the Amerikan Dream!


    Therefore, the ordinary daily practices of the West fill the souls of these radicals both with powerful inner attractions, to which they cannot admit, and with deep feelings of fear, terror, and revulsion.

    Ahh yes, and some of our western activities, like millions of abortions, like using aborted fetuses to experiment with age-defying substances and produce them, yeah, it gets pretty ghoulish. Truth is the whole world must be taught to water the root, Krsna, and give up selfish or evil activities. East and West. If Western ways triumph, their psyche, which is rooted in an altogether different reality, comes under threat of extinction. If international progress prevails, they will break apart inwardly under its pressure, disintegrate, evaporate into nothingness. There is, they think, no place for them in a world of progress, international style.


    ...The Taliban is not a government at all, but a military-security force...

    So it appears.


    Its first emphasis is to keep women covered and uneducated and out of the schools ? as if they do not exist in public life at all.

    And that is not at all the worst of it. Women can be killed by their husbands, must perform for them and more. Many ISKCON men must learn to realize that their oppression of women has been more like Muslims than devotees. We must learn to apologize to women.


    The terrorists' vision of the malevolent role of the United States in the world must have been reinforced, or at least comforted, by the violent anti-globalization rhetoric and actions in Seattle, Prague, and Genoa.

    Yet again, we seem to be being fed here the people-sleeper pills. Coverage of those protests was not only one-sided, but squelched. Demonstrations in London weren't even reported in Our Land of Free Press. Or barely. And no one is seeming to see the fact that it is Corporate Amerika who is running things for global domination, setting up the stage for swift removal of our rights liberties and pursuits of happiness. Think about it, why are computers on the FEMA list of things they can confiscate if they so choose?


    The motivation of the terrorists was not essentially religious, but only given a religious cover to serve political purposes ? to incite a larger Islamic vs. Western war.

    But let's face it, no motivation justifies the slaughter of innocent people like this. Perhaps if the timing of the attack were synchronized with the buildings being empty, and if plainfuls of innocents were not used as the weapons, it could be considered a justified war target. Targetting innocents is always unnacceptable for the rules of war.


    Harer Namah!

    Harer Namah!

    Harer Namah Eva Kevalam!


    Kalau Nasteyeva!


    Nasteyeva Gatir Unyatah!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Chant the Holy Name!

    Chant the Holy Name!

    There is no other way!

    Take to the streets in every town and village, and carry this sankirtana benediction to all the suffering souls of this world.


    Let Freedom Ring!

    In Krsna We Trust!

  14. Originally posted by paul108:

    Why does the tragic and preventable killing of 25,000 people daily not outrage us? Why are they not "our" people also?

    Of course they are our people! I think folks might be surprised to know that a whopping 80% of Amerikans would agree. Come on, the propaganda is clearly a campaigne to keep the folks of these hallowed lands believing that our ONLY motives overseas are humane, that we are stamping out world hunger and establishing liberty and justice for all! After all, that is what being an Amerikan means to us.


    We care about our people, but not about other people, and this narrow attitude is exactly why we have been attacked.

    Look, until Amerikans figure it out that our desires are not being carried out, that corporate Amerika is ruling how poor nations are treated, and and I know what that means. One day, Corporate Amerika will enslave its own people in sweat shops too. And the pollution from Corporate Amerika is getting close to fatal. In our lifetimes, 97% of Amerikan redwood ancient forests were cut down. Corporate Amerika is quickly cutting and burning away at the rest of the world's ancient forests. Trees alone can save us from a sudden ice age. And what's the president's solution to the gluttony caused slaughter? Consume consume consume. 'My fellow americans.' --Richard Nixon. 'Fellow citizens.' --George W. Bush. Spooky.


    In order to ensure a continual flood of cheap products pouring through retail outlets, through ever-larger U.S. homes, and into over-filled waste dumps,...

    Yes, but the important fact is that Corporate Amerika has created artificial need for the over-filled waste dumps. It is the propaganda that consumerism feeds economy feeds stability and prosperity which oils the machinery of products designed to break down. And the excuse is, 'you get what you pay for.'


    ...the enormous transnational corporations of the world increasingly enslave populations of less-industrialized countries, forcing them off their land and onto industrial assembly lines,...

    Yes, but you do not see the enslavement being enacted here? Corporate Amerika is enslaving the world and using the American People's idealism, liberty and justice for all, to fuel the world military domination which they control. Duh.


    U.S. agribusiness is also an ugly reality behind much of the misery the U.S. inflicts on the rest of the world.

    Yes but it is important to recognize that the Amerikan Consumer is not being benefited by this rape performed by Corporate Amerika. A vegetarean must pay equal price for potatoes to meat, and sometimes more. Yet the fact that it takes ten pounds of grain to produce one pound of meat, thus raping the fields of grain that would feed the hungry, is a hidden fact that 99% of meat eaters do not know. True enough though that this butchero-agro-business is made possible by the rampant bloodlust indulged in by the average Amerikan. This is what Amerikans must be taught, to boycott Corporate Amerika and gluttony. But we must teach them the higher truths so they can give up the lower addictions. Harinam Sankirtan Ki Jaya!!!!!!!!!


    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

    Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

    Hare Rama Hare Rama

    Rama Rama Hare Hare


    Does anybody know why my signature doesn't show automatically?


    This is it--

    Let freedom ring!

    In Krsna we trust!


    [This message has been edited by recruit (edited 10-10-2001).]


    [This message has been edited by recruit (edited 10-10-2001).]

  15. Originally posted by jijaji:

    IRS center shuts down

    after hazardous material scare ...

    Chris Kerns, a spokesman for the IRS said the building, which can have as many as 3,500 workers in offices and 188 children in its childcare facility, is in ''standard procedure lockdown.''



    'Standard procedure lockdown'? Boy this is getting to sound a bit too much like The Stand!!! What next eh?


    Captain Tripps is coming to your local village folks!


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