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Posts posted by vivtg

  1. Hi,

    I am not sure of the exact problems you are having, but make sure you believe that there is always a solution and your freedom will be yours.

    Some steps to overcome this are:

    1. Try to use a mirror pointed towards each other, kept at either side just behind the door of your house. The scientific or spiritual reason behind this is when the spirit sees one of the mirror it, must be forced to see its beck side which will make it realise from where it came and will return to the creator itself leaving behind all the intentions and desires. And if the spirit is very bad, it will be afraid of its own past. Some godly people have good past, and that is why we can see white lights around them from their back head and spine.

    2. Faith is always powerful, it does help you. Pray early in the morning.

    3. Take more Ghee and wake up early in the morning (3 to 6 is very important).

    4. Meditate by feeling the heart beat pulse through out your body. By conciously practising this all the bodily diseases induced by the spirits can be cured. And once the body is clean, the whole spiritual system can be cleansed. And also watch your breadth, make sure it is always calm and under control immaterial of the situation. the imbalance in breadth is the most vulnerable point.

    4. Keep salt around the place where you sleep. A small cup with salt and few pieces of thermocoal in it will work and also a lot of copper turnings, that are used for the transformers. The reason is that all the spirits are basically, a combination of sound, electric and magentic potential. This salt is a very good conductor of electricity, the copper wires absorb magnetic field and convert to electric equivalents and transmit it to the ground, thermocoal has air bubbles inside which acts like double walls or a very good insulator. Totally, this will ground all the negative vibrations of the spirits. Cover the cup finally with plastic sheet, as the air may get contaminated and can cause dryness to skin. place as many number of cups as you wish around the place where you sleep.

    5. Finally but the most important thing, be positive and the main aim of you should be "PEACE" and not revenge against the spirits or the person who used it against you. Because, if there is no desire, PEACE happens automatically and the spirits exit just because they have do not have peace. Pray for the spirits, so that they rest peacefully permanently. As long as we get angry on anything, it actually gets registered in our subconcious mind deeply and you unconciously emphasize (really calling them) that the spirits exists and they are aginst you and it is those things that actually strenghtens them. Only if PEACE is the final goal, all good things happen.

    Remember, One cannot keep the sword back safely without getting hurt themselves, once it is used.

    Let there be PEACE.

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