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Posts posted by DJS1313

  1. Hey Gianna! I joined this site's forum today so I could personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for your description of Kali - it means so much to me. :smile:


    Thank you,




    Just worship Maa from you heart and with whichever way you see fit! Always worship her as a mother, and always stay in her lap. She will always provide for everything you need, when you are in her lap. she of course has certain colors, and things that she likes... Like red wine and hibiscus flowers. The worship of God though should always be from your heart. If you have a gift you think she would like then give it! Or you can always give something you know they will like. My Kali always loves wine with un-processed raw honey and camphor mixed in it. I give her a glass every day and when the alcohol has totally evaporated by her receiving it, then I take it as prasadam.


    If you have a Mantra for Kali, I would hope that you have been given it by a guru or you have properly empowered it. Because without the proper pre-empowerment, and usually without a guru, especially in Tantra and Sadhanas... It is powerless. But if you feel totally led to, and it resonantes with power when you say it, or think of it, then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't.


    But just remember that worshipping her is one thing... Sadhana is another. If you are going to do Sadhana make sure you have a guru guiding you!


    And of course always approach Maa as a humble child. IF you approach her with an inflated ego (not saying that you have one) she will terrify you into humility! But if you approach her as her humble child then she will most certainly appear to you as beautiful, kind, loving, and motherly.


    I personally agree with some of the Tantras that say her worship is best suited to this age. She is very powerful, and she can cut through and pierce the heavy darkness, ignorance, and bad karmic tendencies that is so prevalent around everyone these days. That is why it is her that is best suited for these dark times because it is Maa in this form that is the most fierce and quick to save her devotees from darkness.


    Also remember that she has the power to destroy your bad Karmas. So sometimes, when people worship her they may experience some bad things, but it is because you are speeding up the process of your Karmas burning away by worshipping her, but in most cases you have to give some sort of effort in the physical plane through suffering of some kind. That is just part of life. If you are not ready to undergo radical change and seek the truth and light with all your heart, mind and soul without any hinderances and set backs then Maa Kali might not be for you. She always fiercely and radically brings change to her devotees. And nothing of course is ever free, and no practice or spiritual discipline is ever fruitful without sewing the seeds of your effort and labour.


    Just remember through it all that even if it is tough love she gives you, it is still love, and it is the best kind because soon you will see the truth and light!


    May Maa always shower you with her blessings and keep you in her lap. And May you find her path like a golden beacon of light!


    Love and Light to you!

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