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Posts posted by FaithlessDevotee

  1. SOMEONE: And what if that new forgotten inconceivable truth was also just a third level of maya, and the next truth was a fourth level of maya, and what if the moon was made out of blue cheese, and the clouds were nothing but cotton candy?


    Speculation without foundation can be endless and it leads us no where.


    ME: So you wouldn't care? Isn't that stupid (and unintelligent). It could be possible. Some people weren't born into hindu families who knew of Krsna first. Some were born into Christian families. So the latter came to know about Krsna secondly - so are you advising them to forget about it, and stick with 'whats what' firstly?


  2. VALAYA: I understand your frustration and the anger associated with it. Do you know about the two types of faith, raganuga and vaidhi? There is much I would like to discuss with you, but this is not a suitable place. You are welcome to Email me confidentially if you can reveal more about yourself personally, to which I will reply in kind.


    ME: Care to drop me an email then. I would like to here the answer to my question. Why don't you just cut the 'bad' language out next time instaed of deleting the whole thing.


    I get the feeling you deleted the post because it doesn't follow your views.

  3. What if Krsna Consciousness, all the scriptures, everything they meant (and I guess all religions about God throughout the world) were just some type of secondary Maya/Illusion keeping us from another type on inconceiveable truth that has completely been forgotten?

    What if the idea of God etc. has been purposely put in our way. Not that I'm trying to deny him - but what I'm saying is, what if this so called KC is just a obstacle of some sort for us.


    I'm really crappy at explaining things - sorry guys.


    Any ideas??


  4. What if Krsna Consciousness, all the scriptures, everything they meant (and I guess all religions about God throughout the world) were just some type of secondary Maya/Illusion keeping us from another type on inconceiveable truth that has completely been forgotten?


    What if the idea of God etc. has been purposely put in our way. Not that I'm trying to deny him - but what I'm saying is, what if this so called KC is just a obstacle of some sort for us.


    I'm really crappy at explaining things - sorry guys.


    Any ideas??

  5. Not from jndas: This message has been deleted for using foul language. Please do not use foul language in these forums. These are supposed to be for spiritual discussions. By speaking in offensive manners we just scare other people away who would otherwise be interested in participating in these forums.I will give every one three warnings each in this regards. - jndas



    [This message has been edited by jndas (edited 10-19-2001).]

  6. Well guys, actually I find myself often dreaming about ghosts and poltergiest scariness in the house.


    What's that about? I once had a dream where I was in my kitchen at home with 2 friends and all the pans started collecting on the ceiling - suddenly I realised what was happening and got frightened out of my pants and I hugged one of my mates and said that we had to chant, but as I looked at his face his eyes were really wide appart and it looked like he was transforming or something.




    Another interesting poing would be that, that friend wasn't a person I know, but in the dream this guy played the role of a friend - if you know what I mean.

  7. OH BOY!!


    Well, where shall I start? First of all I thank everyone for their contributions. I have only just returned to this thread this moment after recieving a personal e-mail from someone in this forum which reminded me about my earlier post - so I decided to come and see how things were going.


    So this is where I am after reading the 42 or so posts, replying to you guys. I read many questions, but unfortunately I don't have the time this moment to answer them all, but I will answer one in regard to my doubts/perplexities/questions concerning the Hare Krsna philosophy...


    Forgive me for the accuracy of this question, I haven't looked into the books for all the references etc.


    1) I have noticed many, many, many, times in the philosophy that great stress and priority was given to learning the 4 Vedas and performing sacrifices etc. all in the name of achieving the heavenly planets. I know this was the case in the past and that this was approved by the archarya's and incarnations. But why?


    Why on earth does anyone want to attain heavenly planets if all that will happen is that you will fall back down and probably return to being an animal at some point. Why wasn't Bhakti-yoga stressed, or hadn't it been introduced (that can't be). What's the deal with this sort of preaching?


    This is completely materialistic and goes against almost everything to do with Bhakti-Yoga. From having read, it seems that at that time pure sprituality was all about learning the 4 Vedas well, performing sacrifices atc. all to just to get to the heavenly plantes (what to speak of any spiritual eternal places - it's as if an eternal relationship with the Supreme was viewed as being...second rate (or was it even encouraged or mentioned, I don't think so).


    You guys can probably spot a million mistakes here, but I hope you see what I'm saying from this very badly phrased question.


    I am sure from what I have read that the 4 Vedas were all about attaining heavenly planets and that it was encouraged GREATLY as if nothing else was more intelligent (anything like Bhakti-Yoga).

  8. Hi, I just want to thank you for everything.


    I know you've been replying pretty fast and tommorrow I shall come here to check for any replies for it's well into the evening here in the UK.


    I'm also sorry for any burdens and/or perplexities I may have caused people looking into this thread for I'm sure it happens.


    Nitai Garanga!!

    Gora Nitai!!

  9. But isn't realising Krishna and chanting, living at a higher consciousness etc. so imported in a way that they just can't even be compared.


    I may not have faith, but I believe that this is a really important thing to do in life. We're going to die, and we don't always know when.


    I think we all know of a couple examples. Am I expected to just be able to out everything down for a few years?? All this crucial knowledge and wisdom??


    Nitai Garanga!!


  10. Okay, I see what you're saying and thanks for the contribution, but I'm in such an awful position and I don't see what I can do to better myself. Accepting all these verses seems too far fetched for myself.


    I'm think I'm going to be living my life in this terrible way till I die and see what happens. I'll have such a terrible time trying focus at death, what to speak of performing good bhakti-yoga (I do try).


    Trying to live a higher consciousness has only helped me to become more unstable in this world. There are so many things to now that are problems than ever before.


    All I have gained is a lack of motivation to achieve (anything, ie. academically speaking for one etc.) in this dredded place of stay.

  11. I don't mean to be rude in any way at all (please belive me), but wouldn't that be, a bit...Stupid?


    I hope you understand where I'm comming from, if we all just did that, wouldn't we have chaos - if people just accepted anything.


    I mean especially in these ages for example you have many pretenders and exploiters isn't that so. In that case it would seem that problems accepting authority could be even be seen as a blessing??


    Nitai Garanga!!


    (Thanks for replying, this is my first post)



  12. Hi, I'm 16 and have been trying to understand and believe in the Hare Krsna philosophies for a few year now.


    I chant Hare Krsna but my heart still hasn't been captured. My family are originally Hindu but I still find it really difficult to believe in the simple things, like Krsna being the supreme for example.


    Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong. If I could ever one day have the same degree of faith and belief some of you Vaishnava guys have in here one day, that would just be a miracle.


    How on earth can some Vaishnava's be so sure of things, there are too many perplexities that get in the way of the philosophies validity (for me it seems anyway).


    So just what is going wrong, for all I know the state of higher consciousness may just be some sort of secondary maya keeping us from another truth of some inconceivable nature.


    May good luck be with all Vaishnava's on their spiritual paths.


    And as I have once been told to chant...


    Nitai Garanga!!


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