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Posts posted by paul108

  1. We serve Maya devi by becoming pure devotees of Krishna and going back to Godhead. That's what she wants. As long as we continue to serve our senses, Maya does the needful, a service that she'd rather not have to do. When we misuse our independence, Maya devi has to give us all kinds of trouble. Don't you think she'd rather be chanting Hare Krishna and dancing in kirtan with us?


    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das



  2. I've heard this argument before. The person was saying that it doesn't matter that meat eating kills so many more animals because meat eaters don't care about killing animals. Since vegetarians supposedly care about animals, but they can't avoid killing them, then they are stupid.



    It's the kind of argument that makes me just want to go berzerk.



    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das

  3. When I was in college I got really depressed for a few months. I had also been studying yoga at the time. I decided to attempt to kill myself by holding my breath. I figured at least that way I would know it was what I really wanted to do. I held my breath for quite a while a few times, but I didn't die. Eventually I cheered up.


    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das

  4. Sometimes I take a quick lunch at work and then go to my car for the remainder of my break. I'll set the alarm on my phone, and sleep for 20 minutes. Afterwards I feel somewhat dazed for about 15 minutes, but then I'm refreshed and ready for the rest of the day. Otherwise I would be sleepy and unproductive the whole afternoon.


    Also I find it nearly impossible to get any work done unless I'm listening to Srila Prabhupada's lecturs or other devotee's talking about Krishna.


    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das

  5. I do agree that it is best when we can avoid any intoxicants, even aside from vows, but sometimes adjustments should be made.


    A few years ago I had mostly lost my patience for Krishna consciousness. I remember it had been a few months since I'd used my japa beads. I was staying in a hotel for a work-related indoctrination (I mean training), and a co-worker gave me some of an herb that I'd heard of but didn't know much about, _Salvia divinorum_. It's categorized as an entheogen, as in it makes it possible for an ordinary person to see God. After smoking a little of that, I chanted the rest of the night, and did some 30 rounds the next day. It helped me get back on track. By the way, it's a legal herb which I now grow, out of respect, but don't otherwise use. What it did that night was actually help me to see (through the real eyes of my soul) how the chanting of Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare actually lifts material nature away from me, an insignificant spirit soul, and renews my desire to find Krishna. The last time I used it was shortly before deciding I wanted to accept a diksa guru.


    Having taken a vow against intoxication, I can no longer use this herb, but I do believe if ever (God forbid) I lose faith in God and guru, this herb has the potency to set me straight.


    When I started this message I didn't know I was going to say that. Please forgive me if I've caused any offense.


    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das


  6. There's no TV here either, though we sometimes watch movies on the computer. When we visit my parents or in-laws (a few days each year), they've almost always got a TV on, and that's more than enough TV for us to handle. I feel like I lose an IQ point for every hour of watching TV. I wonder who funded that TV research; probably someone who makes money from commercials or something. The best language development is conversing with devotees about Krishna.


    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das

  7. This topic brings up a related question:


    What is a bean? The thing vanilla comes from is called a bean, but it's the fruit of an orchid. Chocolate comes from a tree. Dictionary.com has its definitions, but it doesn't say which applies to ekadasi.


    1a) Any of various New World twining herbs of the genus Phaseolus in the pea family, having leaves with three leaflets, variously colored flowers, and edible pods and seeds.



    1b) A seed or pod of any of these plants.



    2) Any of several related plants or their seeds or pods, such as the adzuki bean, broad bean, or soybean.



    3) Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of beans, such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean.



    4) Slang. A person's head.



    5) beans Slang. A small amount: I don't know beans about investing.



    6) Chiefly British. A fellow; a chap.




    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das

  8. Hare Krishna. I don't have time right now to read this long thread, and I look forward to doing that, but I can't resist voicing my opinion about this...


    I saw this book in the local library about 6 months ago. I was somewhat shocked by a few things.


    1) What sane person would want his translation of Bhagavad-gita beside Srila Prabhupada's on a bookshelf? Did he think his would be an improvement?


    2) Where is the mangalacaranam?


    3) He discussed that Srila Prabhupada said to write books, but didn't he consider that Srila Prabhupada probably wanted additional books written, rather than alternative translations/commentaries for books he had produced?


    4) One of my favorite things about _Bhagavad-gita As It Is_ is that Srila Prabhupada instructs the readers to chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare on almost every page. As I thumbed through this "new Bhagavad-gita," I didn't see the maha-mantra even once. I assume it must be in there somewhere, as I only thumbed through the book and read a few pages in their entirety, but the maha-mantra certainly wasn't jumping out at me like in _Bhagavad-gita As It Is_.


    I remember other disturbing thoughts back then, but I must go to sleep now. I was glad to see Danavir Swami's article.


    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das


  9. I can answer that one. I for one, although I sometimes try to engage in devotional service to Krishna and His devotees, am a fool because despite having heard so much instruction about material attachment and attachment to the Lord's holy name, I remain mostly attached to sense gratification. Having heard so many instructions and having been smashed by maya and suffered so much, I still offend the holy name of the Lord by my strong desire for sense gratification and also commit other offenses. Isn't this foolish?


    Hare Krishna

    Pandu das


  10. My understanding of intoxicants are that they are not only a matter of substance but also quantity. For instance, there is a little alcohol in ripe fruit, but we would not consider it an intoxicant. I have often had "nectar" served at various Hare Krishna temples that obviously had some alcohol from the ripe fruit. But I didn't get drunk on it. I also make and use herbal medicines that contain alsohol as a solvent and preservative; however I don't have any concern about intoxication because I use them in such small quantities. Another example is that a person can get intoxicated on a large quantity of water by diluting blood electrolytes. I sometimes have a little chocolate, such as in chocolate chip mint ice cream, but I don't feel any caffeine effects from it, and I don't feel guilty.


    Hare Krishna


  11. Hare Krishna


    The trick I use is to pay attention to my mind, and make sure my intelligence is in control. Your intelligence should be rooted in the transcendental instructions descending from Krishna.


    Desires manifest by first 1) thinking, then 2) feeling, and 3) willing. Once you're willing, it's just a matter of time before doing. The sooner you catch yourself in the process of manifesting some mundane desire, the easier it is to stop it. If you notice yourself thinking about some activity that is against the regulative principles, stop it, and think about something nice and spiritual. Gradually or quickly, the thinking, if allowed to continue, becomes feeling. That's basically imagining or anticipating some enjoyment from the activity. Once this starts, it is more difficult to stop. It has to be confronted strongly with intelligence. Remember that acting for sense gratification prevents Krishna consciousness. This is a good time to remember the glories of Krishna consciousness. If you allow the the desire to manifest to the willing stage, that is, if you decide you want to do something contrary to the four regulative principles, all I can say is to pray for Krishna's mercy. Once you decide you want something, it is hard to turn around. If you're lucky, Krishna will do something to set you back on the right path. Pray hard for His mercy as if your spiritual life depended on it, because it does.


    Hare Krishna


    - Paul

  12. It's hardly a major world event for anyone else, but it's pretty major for me. My computer broke, and was in for repairs for 3 1/2 weeks. Fortunately it was under warranty, and they replaced the motherboard, CPU, memory, hard drive, video card all with new, upgraded, parts, (and the floppy drive with an ordinary floppy drive). Not bad getting almost $800 worth of state-of-the-art parts for a computer that's over 2 years old, all under a 3-year warranty that cost $135. If anyone is in the market for a computer, I would recommend www.alienware.com for first class service (and get the extended warranty)!


    Hare Krishna


  13. You are a pretender. What is this talk you are making of praising atman, advaita, etc.? If you understood advaita, you would find nothing to praise or criticise, nor would you be moved by others praise or criticism of you. As Vasistha said, a jnani feels the same sensation whether contacting a beautiful woman or sharp weapons.


    I studied advaita philosophy, and pursued it through rajayoga and following the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, et. al. I read Vasistha's Yoga seven times. Every morning upon awaking, I thought I was seeing another dream. I located the self in my heart, and I became acquainted with samadhi. These experiences mean nothing to me any more.


    Several years ago I found Bhagavad-gita As It Is in a used bookstore. I took it home and tried to understand it through my advaita glasses, but I could not. Yet I could not abandon it. After a few days, I invited Krishna to help me. I wanted to know whether to stick with Vasistha's Yoga, or to continue to try to understand Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Two days later He appeared out of a painting of Himself, and gave me a class in Bhagavad-gita. The first thing He did was to laugh heartily, and say, "You think you are a yogi?" Then He said, "You want to know samadhi?" Suddenly I was immersed in realization of the impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth. Then I was back, and He said, "Prema." Immediately I forgot everything else and felt pure, infinite love of Krishna. At that moment I knew Him to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but whether He was God or not didn't matter at all. I just loved Him to no limit. He then proceeded to instruct me in a variety of topics of Bhagavad-gita, and when He was finished He left my awareness, with a few instructions to guide me. The next day I did not remember seeing Krishna, but I remembered His instructions, and taking them to heart I am becoming increasingly fond of His lotus feet.


    I have never cared for advaita philosophy after that. But I do recognize pretenders.


    Hari bol.



  14. You are a pretender. What is this talk you are making of praising atman, advaita, etc.? If you understood advaita, you would find nothing to praise or criticise, nor would you be moved by others praise or criticism of you. As Vasistha said, a jnani feels the same sensation whether contacting a beautiful woman or sharp weapons.


    I studied advaita philosophy, and pursued it through rajayoga and following the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, et. al. I read Vasistha's Yoga seven times. Every morning upon awaking, I thought I was seeing another dream. I located the self in my heart, and I became acquainted with samadhi. These experiences mean nothing to me any more.


    Several years ago I found Bhagavad-gita As It Is in a used bookstore. I took it home and tried to understand it through my advaita glasses, but I could not. Yet I could not abandon it. After a few days, I invited Krishna to help me. I wanted to know whether to stick with Vasistha's Yoga, or to continue to try to understand Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Two days later He appeared out of a painting of Himself, and gave me a class in Bhagavad-gita. The first thing He did was to laugh heartily, and say, "You think you are a yogi?" Then He said, "You want to know samadhi?" Suddenly I was immersed in realization of the impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth. Then I was back, and He said, "Prema." Immediately I forgot everything else and felt pure, infinite love of Krishna. At that moment I knew Him to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but whether He was God or not didn't matter at all. I just loved Him to no limit. He then proceeded to instruct me in a variety of topics of Bhagavad-gita, and when He was finished He left my awareness, with a few instructions to guide me. The next day I did not remember seeing Krishna, but I remembered His instructions, and taking them to heart I am becoming increasingly fond of His lotus feet.


    I have never cared for advaita philosophy after that. But I do recognize pretenders.


    Hari bol.



  15. I studied Vasistha's Yoga very intensely for years prior to beginning my practice of Krishna consciousness, and now I consider it very dangerous. It is like concentrated poison against devotional life. It is somewhat threatening just to hear its name. However, what I wonder is why Lord Ramacandra apparently accepted its teachings. I would appreciate any understanding that could be given in this regard.


    Hare Krishna



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