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Posts posted by Ablaze

  1. Perhaps the mobile fun was a bit "much". But the reactions were more telling to me. This burning effigies of the priests? c'mon! now. This type of fanaticism and callous rage is what turns people off to organized religion. I really don't think Krsna was offended. Afterall, it was done by His devotees in a fun-loving spirit, not offenders trying to mock Him.




    Several sources indicate that there will be a polar reversal which will have disastrous consequences for planet Earth. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. They do not have a calendar after that. So far they have never been wrong. Does this mean the world will end. What do our scriptures have to say about

    this? Any ideas??


    Can you give some specific examples of Mayan prophecies that came to pass? You said they have never been wrong.


    I have read a little about the 2012 hype online, but never seen any specific prophecies from the Mayans. I've only heard how their calendar ends on that date.

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