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Posts posted by J.S.Prasad


    can anybody kindly let me know whats the problem in my horoscope. i have Acsendant in cancer. sun,mercury,venus,jupiter,saturn in Libra,Kuja ketu in sagitarius, Moon in Taurus and Rahu in Gemini currently i am facing problems in married life we couples are quarelling very often due to which my mental piece is disturbed. please suggest a solution for the same below is my birth details


    DOB : 03/11/1982

    Time : 12.15 AM

    place: Bangalore


    Here is a co incidence that Urs and my D.O.B are same date(years Diff) and Birth time is also same . I face same problem in my earliear age.You may ask to Urs Spouce about her ISt dev( their family worship The God) and start to worship .Urs horoscope have PRAVRJYA yoga.The NAVAMANSA KUNDLI IDICATE Spouce have superity complex and moon may make her unstable mind.Worship of Devi durga will give you stable life.Have a nice life.

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