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Posts posted by markandeya

  1. Now, Can you prove Jesus is the son of God ? Do you have any scientific evidence ? Even in todays times there are several people similar to Jesus. I.e Mother Theresa, Mahathma Ghandhi etc, does that mean they are same as Jesus ? Jesus is good hearted person who came to teach you guys to believe in god, since most of the christians today were rogues then so they needed somebody to introduce them to God in a simple way. But dont try to claim Christanity is the only religion, you have commited a sin right there.


    "Jesus Christ was sent to redeem the world from sin."

    There are still plenty of people commiting sins, how can they get away with that. Read the Bhagawath Gita, you will truly understand about how to redeem sins.


    Your notion of belief that we all came from Adam and Eve is scientifically proven wrong, why do you people still stick to that principle ?



  2. In one section of the Mahabharata story, Arjuna and Krishna helped Agni to consume the Khandava Forest. In that forest every animals, birds, and other living things tried to escape But krishna and Arjuna stopped them from escaping and Agni engulfed them. Arjuna and Krishna used their weapons to even stop Indra from raining down the forest. Thus all LIVING THINGS was sacrificed to Agni. Thus everyone is claiming Krishna would never support sacrifice or harm innocent, But what about the living entities in that forest (are they evil) ?


    I just really need a good explanation why Krishna did that ?

    I tried to read that stroy several times but i cant understand why Arjuna and Krihna did that. I know that Agni in return gave them both powerful weapons. So thus the great weapons are needed for Arjuna to win the war, so Krishna new this beforehand therefore these animals has to be sacrified for that purpose?


    Could they have done it if the rest of the Pandavas was in that forest ?


    Thank you, can someone please give more feedback about this story.



    Best Regards,


  3. I dont think that neither Krishna or Jesus will fight. Lord Krishna will never harm Jesus, since jesus was a righteous person. Lord Krishna never harms good people, and Jesus never harmed neither Good or Bad people. As you would recall what Lord Krishna's message is he is there to save Dharma.


    Best Regards,

  4. Cant we all get along, Common we are all Hindus and here we are arguing about Gods ranks and who is superior to who. Do we need this ? I see that this thread is going foreever, please dont argue, suppose some people from other religion visits this site then what will they say about hindus ? They will redicule us, laugh at us like we are fools.


    All you guys are truly talented individual with great knowledge about our hindu religion, Lets share these knowledge, not argue.


    Best Regards,

  5. Sorry folks Iam only stating what i have read, There are several flavours of mahabharata. I cant even believe that nowerdays there is even different catogories of Hindus. Hindus that believe Maha Vishnu is the supreme god and Hindus that believe Parama Shiva as the Supreme god. For me they are both in my heart and iam devoted to both of them. But he is the summary of the event.


    "Aravaan is the illicit son of Arjuna and a tribal girl, Chitrankadhai. Aravaan's existence is not acknowledged by the Pandavas. On the eve of the Great War Krishna advises the Pandavas that only a human sacrifice will assure them success on the battlefield. The sacrificial victim should be of noble descent and possess all virtues. Nobody knows a proper candidate, until Krishna remembers Arjuna's son. Arjuna goes back to the forest to bring Aravaan 'home'. Krishna then convinces Aravaan of the importance of the sacrifice. Eager to please his new found father Aravaan enthusiastically volunteers. His family asks him what favour he would like in return and Aravaan says he would like to be married. Not being able to find a bride for a bridegroom who is about to be killed, Krishna turns himself into a woman and becomes Aravaan's wife for a night. At dawn, the next day Aravaan is sacrificed."



    Best Regards,


    I think that 90% of the christians are christians because thats the religion that can give them hope to go to heaven, But at the same time commit sins and do whatever they want on Earth.


    Example - The can celibrate Christmas, most of them dont even go to church, the celibrate it because of exchanging presents and having family get together or parties.


    But hindus we dont do it that way, We always first thing go to temple and we enjoy going to temple. Sometime we all feel like staying in the temple foreever.


    I have read some part of the Bible, and there was a paragraph where Jesus narrates something like this "There was rich farmer who needed help to harvest in his fields and he went one early morning to the streets and gathered all the vagrants and beggers and others on the street, he told them he would pay them a $1 for their fulldays of work, Then the rich farmer went in the evening and gathered more people and asked them to help harvest and offerd them also $1 But they only got to work for a few hours compared to the people who was there early morning" What Jesus means here is that the gates of Heaven is open for anyone at anytime, even in the last minute you decide to accept him then you can attain heaven.


    Because of many paragraphs similar to this that advocates people to turn to christanity, people do that. Because it gives the excuse to live any kind of life and at the end accept Jesus and all will be forgived.


    But Hindu religion doesnt not give any of these silly excuses, Hindu religion is very logical, and scientific, you need to work hard to understands its concept. Hindus are more based on Event Driven life, That is every actions you do, you experience the concequence of it. Christians are more in a Time Driven life, Whaterver actions you do if you believe in Jesus at the end, then when the time comes you will all rise.



    I am not being bias, But every christians i meet is always trying to convert someone to Christianity, But hindus dont do that they respect the privacy of others. I have met somany people knocking on our house trying to convert us, I always listen to what they have to say and at the end tell them that my religion is like my mother and father, Because you offer me a new Mother and Father, How can i abandon my mother and father. Then they leave /images/graemlins/smile.gif


    Best Regards,


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