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Posts posted by shank

  1. This is very interesting!

    If u make comparisons on their life, characteristics & relationships, u will find incredible similarities !!!


    The same creator gods presented themselves in different cultures with different names.


    Nibiruan / Sumerian gods = Hindu gods = Greek gods and some vatican, Buddhist, jewish and south american gods as well !!!


    Sekhmet = Durga = Artemis = Mut = Athena = White Jaguar Lady = White Buffalo Calf Woman = Vaishno Devi


    Alcyone = Satyanarayana = Apollo = Vishnu = Rama = Amen Ra

    Amun Ra = Krishna


    Anat = Ereshkigal = Kali = Black Madonna = Black Tara = Demeter = Hecate


    Astarte = Parvati = White Tara = Madonna = Shekinah = Uma = Naamah

    Maia = Sati = Dakshayani = Damkina = Goddess Of The Mountains


    Enki = Shiva = Holy Spirit = Chakrasamvara = Avalokiteshwara = Ptah = Chenrezig = Lucifer = Ea = Geb = Adonai = Hadad = Ba'al


    Baphomet = Ardhanareshwara


    Hades = Rudra = Kaal Bhairava


    Peresphone = Rudrani = Bhairavi


    An = Anu = Para Brahma = Yahveh = Allah


    The Great Ra = Atum Ra = Prakash Brahma = Higher Aspect Of Yahveh = Father Of The Gods


    Ansar = Abzu = Abba = Apsu = Kashyapa = Helios = Aditya = Surya = Sun God = Shamash = Duas Pita = Satyavat Manu = Swayambhu = Vywamus = Aten = Ahura Mazda = Aton


    Dharma Dev = Yama


    Chaya = Aa


    Ashwins = Dioscuri


    Indra = Odin = Pan = Vajrapani


    Gaia = Aditi = Bhu = Bhoomi Devi = Koumudhi = Kamadhenu = Ninhursag = Ki = Uras = Cybele = Earth Goddess


    Enlil = Garbhodakasayi = Jehovah


    Ninlil = Lakshmi = Goddess Of Grain = Fortuna = Tyche


    Moon God = Chandra Dev = Nanna


    Inanna = Lilith = Selene = Mohini = Ishtar


    Dumuzi = Adami = Adam = Damu = Adonis


    Eve = Kheba = Nuit = Ninti = Ninki


    Jupiter = Brihaspati = Zeus


    Mercury = Wodan/Wotan = Budha


    Nergal = Orion = Narakasura = Agdistis = Attis


    Tiamat = Taraka


    Typhon = Puloman


    Thoth = Ganesha = Hermes


    Marduk = Murugan = Karthikeya = Nimrod = Mars


    Osirius - Horus = Dionysus - Eros = Bacchus - Cupid = Abraham - Isaac = Ancient Of Days = Tammuz = Min = Freyr = Kamdev = Pradyumna = Dipankara = El Khdir = Sanat Kumara


    Isis = Mary = Mariamma = Koumari = Venus = Freyja = Aphrodite = Semiramis = Hathor = Mayavati = Kanyakumari = Tripura Sundari = Rati = 16 Year Old Goddess = Sarah


    Jesus = Sananda Kumara = Yeshua = Jeshua Emmanuel = Baldr


    Mary Magdalene = Lady Nada


    Frigg = Demeter


    Shani = Satan = Wrathful Tibetan Deity


    7 archangels = 7 saptarishis = 7 amesha spentas = council of seven


    Atlas = Himavan = Daksha = El


    Pleione = Menaka


    Apep = Kalasura = Ahriman


    7 Pleiades' sisters = 7 krittikas = 7 sapta matrikas


    Parasuram = Gilgamesh = Hercules = Narayana


    Heracles = Enkidu = Arjuna = Thor = Nara


    Deianira = Draupadi


    Eurytion = Jayadhrata


    Alcmene = kunti


    Noah = Utnapishtim = Vivasvat Manu

    Noah's Arc = Malayan Hills.


    Wild Cow Goddess = Ninsun = Nininsina = Renuka


    Humbaba = Trishanku = Kalmashapada


    Saraswati = Seshat = Sophia


    Enoch = Metatron

    Moses = Akhenaten

    Hera = Indrani


    Aurora = Usha


    Eos = Savita


    Varuna = Poseidon


    Mithra = Zoroaster


    Tvastri = Haphaestos = Bunene


    Aesir = Annunaki


    Vanir = Venusians


    Holy Grail = Amritam = Ambrosia = Soma = Life Elixir = Nectar Of Immortality



    The list is endless!


    The nibiruan gods ( Nibiru = Nebadon = Vulcan = Vaikuntha = Planet X = Wormwood from Sirius B ) have always been here.


    All the religions have the same source !

    ( bible -> by-bal -> by Ba'al( Enki))

    ( quran -> Qur-an / Anu )


    Many of the compared characters/ incidents might have happened at one place and then implanted into another culture for their benefit.

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