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Posts posted by vmanyan

  1. Namaskar,


    I am a traditional artist from Chennai.I specialise in Tanjore style of painting.Having lived in Thanjavur, learnt and practised this art form for so many years, I have been wanting to post an article in this site about the greatness of this traditional art.When I browsede through the articles, art and culture section I could not find any such article about Tanjore.I would like to request for permission to do so.


    Thank you

  2. Hi,


    am new to this site, and I have a doubt.Who are the four devatas who support as legs in the seat in which Sri Lalithambika sits. while verifying I found that while Brahma and Vishnu are constants, the other two names vary in different interpretations.They are either shiva and eswara or shiva and rudhra.What is the difference and what is the significance of the other two devatas.Please clarify!


    Thanks in advance





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