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Posts posted by Nainaa

  1. Namashkar Guruji,


    I am going through really rough phase in my life...

    I am trying to get into higher studies..When and where will i get admission?

    If you could also advice to keep my mind calm (any stotra) and marriage, I would really appreciate it..


    DOB- 16/5/1984

    TOB- 2 PM

    Place- Kurnool, India

    Jyeshta nakshetra, Vrischika rashi, Simha lagna.


    Eagerly waiting for your reply...

    Thank you guruji.

  2. I am a doctor and am trying to get higher education abroad..

    Last year i had a major setback. I could not clear one of the exams (as in failed the first time.each of the exam costs 1200USD) on time and lost one whole year. Second time with Gods grace i cleared the exam. But the wait period has been terrible.


    This year I have applied to universities for admission and waiting for the replies..As I am doing so, I have no mental peace. I feel like I am going insane.


    I hope someone could throw some light on what my future holds for me based on Vedic astrology..Will I study and stay abroad? What can I do to keep my mind calm? I feel that I am very moody these days.


    Also there has been some pressure on me to get married. But I feel I am not ready for it right now. This has added to the tensions in my life. My parents are concerned that I might not have an arranged marriage. If someone could also look into this aspect, I would be grateful to them.


    My birth details..

    Date- 16th May 1984

    Time- 2 PM

    Sex- Female

    Place- India, A.P.

    Nakshatra- Jeshta, Vrischika rashi, Simha lagna


    I really hope that someone can help me with my situation.

    Thank you.

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