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Posts posted by Devaa

  1. In answer to your question, regarding mantras . First off, I do not consider Sanskrit a weird language, Sanskrit is a highly eloquent, formal and stunningly beautiful language. It is to be revered. You see I've studied languages , you soon learn that some languages have an art flow, refinement, beautiful movement and grace . Linguistically Sanskrit is the most complete language ever created, in fact NASA considers it the most complete language every created. As will is Hebrew which is rather nice isn't it?. You see I've traveled all over the world and one of the places where I traveled no one spoke any English and I found they had more class, grace and dignity than I have ever encounter . I grew up and live in the USA. It is a new civilizations, new language ...a language that I must admit is refined or beautiful. Here is my answer to your question, I think it might be beneficial for you too seriously consider Lectio Divina which is Latin and it basically means repeating scriptures, I think it is better for you to repeat it in English scripture and represents a traditional Christian practice of prayer and scriptural. There is Thomas K. book on Lectio Divina , anyhow it should help you and keep you in your comfort zone . I must add here that your statement could be viewed as ignorant, lacking sophistication, and being propelled by someone that is uneducated and could be easily viewed as insulting to individuals on this forum. I realize that you perhaps have no idea that it could be perceived on that level. Good luck

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