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Posts posted by Chris

  1. talasiga - i am sorry if i have offended you and i appreciate your input. that is a valid point 20 million is a huge number.


    maitreya - thank you very much for your straight forward answer it is appreciated. Posted Image




  2. my answer may seem rash, i am agreeing with you, merely pondering why sri ramakrishna was so intent on worship of kali. i felt a strange affinity towards sri ramakrishna and i also noticed we share the same astrological sign, karmic destiny as our birthdays are only 4 days apart.

  3. are all hindus vegetarian? it does seem way healthier, you dont have this big bag of fat sloshing around in your gut making you sleepy.


    ps: talaisga- if that is what you were reffering to, kashmir isnt really considered the middle east i think its considered asia. not that it matters

  4. thats really amazing that you were able to predict i ate meat, thats fascinating it has to do with what i am feeling.. and i believe the answer to that question would be pakistan, kashmir. i am actually going to a talk between a pakistani, indian, and kashmiri on the 13th at my university moderated by a journalist so it should be interesting.

  5. no i have only read the book once, and i just tried chanting hare krisna and om kali ma, and hare krishna made me feel well being yes but om kali ma made me feel well being as well as an intense feeilng of ..i dont know how to say it. bliss or completeness.


    sorry if im being confusing or ignorant i am merely trying to figure out which path to follow.

  6. so the fact that this happened means i am more suited towards a certain type of worship? this sounds very interesting and i would love to hear more. Chanting hare krishan certainly did not do as much as kali. any more help woulud be appreciated, you guys are great


  7. about chanting, i dunno if this is opposite to what you guys are doing or not, but i finished a book on sri ramakrshna and he used to chant om om kali ma and to see what would happen when i read this part i would chant it and even now but especially the first time it made tears come to the outside of my eyes and it made me feel very blissful i dont know if this is regular? i just felt i woudl share. i have not tried chanting hare krisha as of yet, are these two so different?

  8. thank you for the wonderful links i appreciate it greatly. yes i have been reading my hardback copy of As it Is almost daily and am about 1/3 of the way thru, i have found it enlightening and very helpful to my ilfe Posted Image i just dont really know anything about hinduism diety wise or customs ,sadly.

  9. Hi, i am an 18 yr old student in colorado and i have recently become interested in learning about hinduism when a very nice hare krsna man gave me a copy of the bagavad gita (sp?) As it is and i have been reading it almost daily and am up to page 200 or so, it is really wonderful and has inspired me greatly. Also i have been to a talk by a Swami Mukti about yoga ecology that was realyl lovely, and i am taking a korean class caleld dahnhak in which we open up our energy channels thru yoga like stretches and also do qi gong energy meditation. All of these practices have been really beneficial to me. I also read autobiography of a yogi by paramahansa yogananda and also Great swan about ramakrishna, and these two books have gotten me interested greatly in learning more about hinduism and possibly wanting to convert if that is what you call it. excuse my ignorance. I have been studying buddhism as well but hinduism just gives me a very good feeling deep down, from what i have been learning. Sorry to write so much i am just very eager to meet such people as yourselves here and become more proficient in my meditation etc. My basic beliefs at this point are really to respect all life, not harming any creature, the pursuit of happiness personally and to bring joy to people, as well as to realize the divine will that exists everywhere. any tips or information you would care to share would be wonderful.


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