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Posts posted by Bhaktaboy

  1. Hare Krsna to all participants on this discussion,


    I often grow tired of the obsession people have with another's sexual behavior. I also believe that throughout the history of religion there have been people who interpret the scripture of their religion literally and/or allegorically. The important thing is to truly look at the substance behind the form. Following regulations for the sake of the regulation is Vaidhi-Bhakti (ritualistic devotion). This has much benefit and should be practised. However our goal is to cultivate Raganuga-Bhakti (the path of passionate Love) by following in the footsteps of those that follow the footprints of the inhabitants of Vrindavana. Vaidhi-Bhakti in its highest form is only useful in its allowing us to cultivate Raganuga-Bhakti. So everyone should be concerned with their own Sadhana rather than offending another Sadhaka. In our lineage we have a Siksa Guru, Sridhar Maharaja. He says, "The footprints of those that are going to the divine world chalk out the broad path. This is our surest guidance. Only they may be reliable guides. All else may be eliminated because calculation is fallible." Therefore, we should all follow what has been set before us by OUR spiritual master. But beware of interpretation and speculative thinking. Although there is some value to reasoning, it is limited. We should follow the active agent and avoid calculation. The spiritual master is said to be all-knowing, all-seeing, subjective. He/She can only see the ultimate reality subjectively or else he is making the Supreme Lord an object of vision.


    Please follow your own Guru, develop your Bhakti, and avoid judments and offenses directed at other Vaisnavas. What we should really do is utilize our energy to look at our OWN attachments and do something about them.


    Your friend and servant,

    Gopa Kumara Dasa

    Disciple of Om Sripad Bhaktivedanta Tripurari Swami Maharaja

  2. All glories to all Vaisnava devotees!



    As I expected, the discussions on the Third-gender have reached an intensity that does not appear healthy. It is only so useful to force our opinions on others. Unfortunately it appears that words are falling on deaf ears on this network. Many times in devotional life we must recognize our fallibility, and this includes admitting we are wrong or ending a fruitless discussion. I was saying to Mark that it is impossible sometimes to sincerely reflect on the nature and experience of a homosexual person unless we have been very intimately associated with one or have had these emotions ourselves. This does not mean that it is impossible to be sufficiently empathic to relate with the experience of a homosexual without this, but it is more uncommon. I believe what we are finding this to be the case here. My Guru Maharaja related a story to me a month ago of a wonderful pastime between a Godbrother of his and Srila Prabhupada. As this devotee was looking down off a balcony in India he saw a person pleading for alms who was physically disfigured. Although philosophically we understand this to be a the man's proper karma he could not help but feel compassion. At this thought he turned to Srila Prabhupada and said, "Srila Prabhupada, sometimes I feel compassion for these people.", and Srila Prabhupada responded, "Sometimes? Not sometimes...always." We must be understanding and compassionate to others positions. We cannot fling words such as fag or pedophile around casually. Homosexuality is not a defect, but it is the natural position of millions of people in this world. Unless one knows this basic truth inherantly, then maybe she/he should keep their thoughts to themselves. This would be the most cautious position one could take. Because if one's prejudice, hatred and discrimination prove to be unfounded it would be better to have caused minimal harm to other sincere Vaisnavas.


    In all honesty a person's Guru is not everybody's business. I think that choosing a Guru as well as disclosing who he/she may be is personal. It is clear that this information has been requested from Mark in order to utilize it as propaganda. I think we can all agree that more propaganda is not what we need in the Vaisnava community at this time. If we do not agree with the position of third-gendered Vaisnavas then we should express our opinions and establish ourselves seperately so as to not be bothered by them. This means that we may have to "offer our obeisances from afar" as one devotee once said to me about a friend of mine. However we must recognize and honor their aspiring relationship with our sweet cowherd boy Sri Krsna no matter what we think about their mundane relationships.


    Please remember that the energy we are utilizing to critisize others, invent conspiracies, and research slokas that degrade the position of another can easily be utilized to advance our own understanding and promote our growth. It seems malicious to spend so much energy in oppressing and offending others when there is so much each of us can work on and learn for ourselves. Some people on this network must believe themselves faultless to be pressuming so much of others. I believe we should harnass our energy and direct it towards the Supreme Lord rather than wasting it on fruitless and hurtful discussions.


    I am a third-gendered aspiring devotee.....and my Guru Maharaja does know of my position. Who this is should not make a difference to most of you. It is a concern of mine that my Guru Maharaja accept me, not only on this matter, but as a sincere aspirant. There are also many other more significant reasons the Guru should be accepted. If one has any inkling in one's heart to find fault in this reciprocal relationship, then the problem is with that person....not the Guru or disciple.


    I hope this letter meets everyone well,

    Your friend and servant,



    All glories to the spiritual master!


    Haribol network friends,


    I wish to make my statement short seeing that this discussion on sexuality has been expressed from almost every angle over the last few decades. I would like to simply state that all people are welcome in the Sankirtana movement and are expected to adhere to same standards of conduct in order to be successful. Let us honor Bhakti Devi, and allow her to decide in whose hearts she would like to reside. As my Guru Maharaja says, Bhakti Devi can decide whether to reside in the heart of a sincere devotee or not. If there is an offense committed She can decide to leave. She also places herself in the hands of the Guru to be distributed. Maybe Guru and Bhakti Devi should make these kinds of judgements. Besides this, let us each look towards our own concerns and advancement. It is always easier to find fault in others than it is to face our own attachments and shortcomings. Remember sex desire is something we ALL struggle with. Fault finding is also called Aparadha which is synonymous with spiritual suicide.

    The best of luck in your spiritual endeavors,

    Your friend and servant,


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