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Posts posted by svradjae

  1. Hey...bloody idiots... you will never stop discussing "who's greater?shiva or vishnu?". Remember one thing, there is a spectrum in the sky, that spectrum is like the Sun but billion times more powerful than the Sun. That spectrum is only visible by ascetically, that spectrum is called the Supreme Power by us. Before the world was built, the Sun was created, and then by chance, when light from the sun has fallen on the Supreme, so the shadow of Supreme falls in the sky, and the places where the shadow is falling every time, God is established, first, three gods was created together, and are Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and then Shakthi, Lakshmi, Saraswathi who become the wives of trimurtis (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma), respectively. And after them, Prajapathis are created, it is they who shall develop the population in the world. Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma will be destroyed at the end of each Kalpa and they will be reborn at the beginning of each Kalpa. It is about the same for others as well, except the Supreme which is immortal, as he does not have birth, he has no death too. Shiva and Vishnu have the same power, Shiva worship Vishnu who worship Shiva has his time. That 's the truth, our ancestors, the early Hindus have understood, but over time, the descendants have forgotten, and they have separated themselves into two camps and brawl ... This is really stupid, this fight, which will put an end to this fight, the Supreme only i think ...

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