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Posts posted by Rahul.sadhak

  1. My respected and loveable members......


    All the persons who is asking for vashikaran mantras are mostly in love and by profession there are either students or inital stages of their services. We can understand their mental condition as they requesting for vashikaran mantra for everyone not only in this sites also in in their personal life.

    But my respectful seniors says that might be they misuse it. My guru who give me diksha told me that if you recite any mantras who owner is devi/ dev will never allow you to use it for evil wish. I also experienced the same thing . Even i have the power to do most of things by only single dev to whom i do daily poojas and before taking diksha from my guru i also think i will do this or that whether it is right or wrong but after getting diksha and statring the pooja my heart and soul become pure and clear about every thing . My dev always tell me that this is wrong you shuld not do it and even divert my mind from that direction also. Before this i use to watch lots of english/porn movies and also takes intrest in girls but now everything is normal and i am very confident that after getting diksha this people will also to what is wrong and what is right and god will predict about every thing .




    Dear Gurpreet,


    I myself practice Tantra and Mantra and I just read your Aura and the findings amazed me. You are surrounded by very strong evil spirits. I am sorry to say but there is no way out of it. They will trouble you for the whole of your life... Infact, they are there with you for a number of lives and they are very dangerous. Do not even try to get rid of them. It will worsen everything and they will kill you eventually like they have done so many times in your past lives. You are in real problem


    Hanuman Chalisa would not work in this case because those spirits are very powerful. I can suggest you one remedy out of it but you will have to try it with complete faith. What you need to do is this...


    Find some graveyard around your house. (As I read your Aura, I see a Graveyard very near to your house)... Get completely naked and go to this graveyard sometime in the night (After 1 O Clock preferably) on Amavasya. You will have to find out the grave of the spirit that is haunting you. It will have a red swastik over it. (Do not try to go there to find it in the day time. Go and search it on the night only). Go to that grave and delete that Swastik sign from the grave. It will free that evil spirit from that place. And as a result, you will be free too. Do not tell this to anybody before you actually do it.


    Dear Rachna,


    I have read ue quote about gurdeep, can you tell me about me some thing coz from last few months i am also distrubed 4 unknown reason. I think i am influenced from some evil sprits but they never do any harm to me. Also i am practicing some of the raksha mantras and tri- netra mantra . Is this is do to reciting of this mantras or some thing else. Pl tell me

    My Name is Subodh and my DOB is 29 sep 1981. Place Delhi 1000 HRS

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