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Posts posted by vandana

  1. dear member,

    it is believed that non-veg food gives rise to tamasic qualities in a person.whereas tulasi beads r of satvic nature.i.e. satavic qualities r more predominate in it.

    so a person having more tamasic qualities ,while using tulasi beads for japa will not be benefitted by it.

    so it is suggested maybe that he use neem beads which r rajasic in nature.



    Originally posted by leyh:

    Dear Forum Members:

    I have heard from some devotees that those who are vegetarians can chant the holy names of God on japa malas made of tulasi beads while those who are not should chant only on beads made of neem.Why is there this rule about the material of the beads?Didn't Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu say that there were no hard and fast rules to chanting?

    Maybe Krsna is more concerned with the quality of the devotee's heart rather than the quality of his/her beads.Any comments?


  2. bhakti or devotion ,is the first step towards the realisation of god.it is only through bhakti that one first develops faith in the beloved one.and then starts to see his glory by singing his songs.bhakti is the stepping stone of an ordinary,simple man towards the highest goal.

  3. bhakti or devotion ,is the first step towards the realisation of god.it is only through bhakti that one first develops faith in the beloved one.and then starts to see his glory by singing his songs.bhakti is the stepping stone of an ordinary,simple man towards the highest goal.

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