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Posts posted by seventyseven

  1. Islam: The Koran is a clear guidance of how life should be led.


    Christianity etc. The bible is a collection of stories that one must read and use as an example of how to live from characters.


    Krshna: The supreme, God, devotees beleive to meet him on the highest spirtual plane. Vedas, a complex but most understandable piece of litterature that speaks at such depth it is hard to understand how people can dismiss it.


    The problem is, is that people like not to open their minds to the diversity of religion, therefore follow people either through family tradition or local tradition, forgettin the fact that only 1 is the true, the others are man made.


    SO who is true? Or rather a real message from god? or are they all from god but different because it suited the mood and culture at the time that they were written?


    Views please..

  2. I do not seemed convinced that in this day and age, if someone is to come forward about having an understanding beyond any other human being on this planet that you will take him seriously. The truth is you wont. but is the world not near total destruction? therefore he is among us, the problem i feel is convincing people that he is true, he is wise, he is all knoweth. I feel it is due to a lack of understandin and too much of an attachment with the material world. Lack of understanding of the spirtual world. Is it not true that there are so many differnt objects to keep ones mind occupied for an entire lifetime with out one thinkin too much about reality? i await alot of critism, the way that your minds think, challenge, challenge.

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