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Posts posted by sudep21

  1. hey u r very correct on what u say

    one of my friends in ayurveda says if we discover how to properly purify blood that will work anti ageing





    Acid--Alkaline Connection to Health


    I think I stumbled onto the Rosetta stone of health Problems and thus,

    a way of grounding the need to be vegetarian-- all under one heading.

    Upon more closer analysis it would seem that the balance between "Acid &

    Alkaline (ph)" constitutions in the body are the basis for predicting illness.

    Once upon a time vitamins were unknown; cigarettes were advertised by doctors; coke-cola contained cocaine; calorie restriction was relegated to doctors; "Low-Carbohydrates" replaced "Low-Fat" intake monitoring; allergies were about pollen & sneezing; inflammation was about pimples and Bee stings —now this data on Acid-Alkaline PH will be the basis to enlighten the public and medical personnel as to how bad eating habits cause acids and acidic results in the body via PH levels (pH means "potential to release Hydrogen" molecules)—all within the lexicon of the established medical establishment.

    I predict that all common discussions regarding maintaining proper health will move into a newly praised field of "Acid vs Alkaline Content in the Body." ---[though I am a novice to the chemistry of the human body---the rules of Ayur-veda & pranayama breathing & control of the tongue are part and parcel to awareness of how Acids affect the body, mind & societal karma].

    I realize that my above writing is too general and flowery to explain what I found in this literature---so in lieu of getting the entire book posted for all to see, I ask you to research this subject.



    Nov. 15, 2007


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