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Posts posted by starsmoonsun

  1. I was trying to read vimsottari dasa table and was trying to figure out the time for marriage.

    So just a few questions for all the learnt members -- plz help me with a few matters

    1) how accurate is vimsottari dasa table?

    2) Currently there is mahadasha of Mercury (7th lord, placed in 12th house) and rahu

    -- major event that happened under this dasa was a 7 year relationship that should have gone into a marriage ended on Feb 22/2010

    3) In March 2011 - new subdasa starts with Jupiter...I was wondering when there is a possibility of marriage (what are the chances of this happening? )

    also when would the two people meet eachother - in another words -- it is love or arranged?


    details are the following:

    time: 09:05; place: simla, H.P india, DOB feb 12/ 86


    Thank you

  2. I was wondering what it means to have the 7th lord (mercury in borth chart and saturn in navamsa) with venus and jupiter?

    Mer., jupiter, and venus are combust.

    I was wondering if this will cause problems in marriage? I was in a committed relationship that was leading to marriage for over 6 years and it ended in Feb 2010.

    Also i know that if you pray to that upapada lord it benefits you but what would my upapada lord be since my last relationship counts as a marriage per astrology.

    details: Feb 12/86 time: 9:05 am place: simla,india


    Thank you kindly.

  3. Dear Ashish Ji,


    I was born on February 12,1986 at 9:05 am in Simla (H.P.) India.

    I am concerned about my marriage. I was in a 7 year relationshp with someone from 2003 march until 2010 february. We planning marriage but for some reason that failed (We were of two different cultures/religions). I was wondering why and if and when i get married or find someone, as my chances of it not working out high? When should I meet this person?


    Thank you kindly,



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