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Ajay Shah

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Posts posted by Ajay Shah

  1. "Voyeur=lurking and `learning` without revealing oneself, wouldn't you say?"


    Personally, i prefer transvoyeurism to the illicit-sex of this world. Of course you have to receive the right mantras from the right source at the right time in order to participate in Transcendental Voyeurism. Unfortunately several organizations do not offer these divine programs in their offline menus. Note: The Holy Name alone will not reveal the Transcendental pastimes of Radha-Krishna. You have to have bona-fide initiation in to a bona-fide sampradaya/parampara. BSST-branch and ISDL (cintamanis' favorite) do not offer these luncheons.


    Bon Voyage my friends.


    You are not going to get across the ocean of maya in a leaky boat.




    [This message has been edited by Ajay Shah (edited 08-16-2001).]

  2. Previously posted by T.S.

    Dear Prabhujis,

    Dandavats. Jai SRi Sri Guru Gauranga!


    Perhaps the Sanskrit forum might not be the best place to post this, but since we are on learning languages, I was wondering if anyone may be able to direct me to books on the learning of Bengali. Since the books of Srila Narottama das Thakura are in Bengali and I need to study them, I will need to learn some, so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!




    Your servant,

    Sudevi dasi

    You dumbbitch. Just admit you were wrong in saying bengali is a vernacular like english (not vernacular but an indirect direct import from india like basmati rice).


    Y Our Servant,


    BHaktin Neha.

  3. A bona-fide Guru never makes a mistake. Becuz his/her every endeavor & actions is and are too satisfy Lord Gopalas. In other words, Krsna's will is being directly carried out by the indirect direct representative. therefore, it is 100% productivity. So he never makes a mistake. Okkk?


    [This message has been edited thrice times by Ajay Shah (edited 08-16-2001).]


    [This message has been edited by Ajay Shah (edited 08-16-2001).]


    [This message has been edited by Ajay Shah (edited 08-16-2001).]

  4. From his website:

    Artist description

    Singer, guitarist and songwriter Michael Cassidy is a seasoned artist with a rich voice, full of character and expression. Michael's songs will permeate your mind and heart long after you hear them.


    Music style

    adult pop, folk, country


    Group members

    Michael performs live with the Change of Heart Band, featuring... Ron Marinelli - guitars/vocals Gerry Snoddy - trumpet/vocals/percussion Radha Gopinatha Marinelli - tablas/percussion Matthew Newman - bass



    acoustic/electric guitars



    Change of Heart, Nature's Secret, Beyond Illusion, Take Me Back



    Nashville, TN - USA

    Ask him if he has worked with Elvis in his music.



    [This message has been edited by Ajay Shah (edited 08-15-2001).]

  5. Talasiga

    "(a) Fine ! After all Bengali, Hindi etc are vernaculars just like English. As long as the names Radha, Krishna and so on are untouched (as far as possible within the idiosyncrasies of speakers of various languages including the variety within India itself)."

    I would like to see the evidence regarding the vernacularity of Bengali compared to English.


    After all 'PBC' was written by Him in Bengali. That is idiosyncratic also.


    --AJ SHAW (nm)


    [This message has been edited by Ajay Shah (edited 08-13-2001).]

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