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Posts posted by Vinoth


    Telugu Grammar Identical to Sanskrit?


    How to say "for Deva" in Telugu?

    Devuduki (For Deva),

    In Sanskrit "for Deva" is said as "Devaaya".

    In Tamil Devanuku.

    Which is identical to Telugu? Sanskrit?


    How you know that Tamil's alphabets are incomplete?

    In Tamil language ka/ga, cha/ja, ta/da, th/dha, pa/ba are always replaced in same word depending on place where it comes, even those things has rules. So Tamil don't want ka kha ga gha system because it doesn't uses those things. So writing system is not incomplete.


    Yes there was a language that precede todays Tamil which is nothing but Proto-Dravidian, that is not a different one but the same Tamil in different form which can be understood and used by Tamil people even now. We had a pure form of Tamil before 1st Sangam period but now it was changed a little but not completely changed so this Tamil is nothing but altered form of Proto-Dravidan.


    In fact Telugu descended from 3rd Sangam Kodum-Tamil, to understand this you should have good knowledge in Tamil language and literature.


    If possible try to analyse Telugu numberings then you can understand that Telugu is basically from Tamil and not of Sanskrit.



    10 - pattu

    13 - patin-moondru (10 + 3)



    10 - padi

    13 - padi-moodu ( 10 + 3)



    10 - dasa

    13 - triyo-dasha (3 + 10)


    I have mistyped Rama for Deva in the above explanation.



    I also like to inform that in ancient Tamil people used many Prakrit words in Tamil as nowadays people use English word in Tamil.


    The Prakrit language is very ancient than Sanskrit (it is mother of Sanskrit).


    People of Tamil use the word 'vada mozhi' to address Prakrit in ancient days after the popularity of sanskrit the same word was used to address the sanskrit.



    "I am" is said as "bhavaami" in sanskrit, here "bhava" is to be "ami" means me in Prakrit. bhava+ami is to say "I am", it is completely of Prakrit and taken in Sanskrit. If the Sanskrit is very ancient than Prakrit then Bhavaami must be said as bhoo'aham where bhoo is to be and aham is for 'I'.


    We can conclude that Sanskrit is a made language in latter days when the Tamil is the spoken language of most people with Prakrit.



    You say that Telugu and Kannada are based on Tamil. Then how is that, Telugu grammar is almost identical to Sanskrit grammar. I don't know about Kannada so I can't comment. Besides Telugu language doesn't have incomplete alphabets (Varnamala) like Tamil. I believe that Tamil is one of the oldest languages but not basis for Telugu for sure. There must have been another language which preceded Tamil... which must have got obsolete. Tamil, Telugu and other languages must have evolved from it. Just because two languages share common words doesn't mean one gave birth to other unless the language which gave birth to another language is more complete than the new language.


    Telugu Grammar Identical to Sanskrit?


    How to say "for Deva" in Telugu?

    Devuduki (For Rama),

    In Sanskrit "for Rama" is said as "Devaaya".

    In Tamil Devanuku.

    Which is identical to Telugu? Sanskrit?


    How you know that Tamil's alphabets are incomplete?

    In Tamil language ka/ga, cha/ja, ta/da, th/dha, pa/ba are always replaced in same word depending on place where it comes, even those things has rules. So Tamil don't want ka kha ga gha system because it doesn't uses those things. So writing system is not incomplete.


    Yes there was a language that precede todays Tamil which is nothing but Proto-Dravidian, that is not a different one but the same Tamil in different form which can be understood and used by Tamil people even now. We had a pure form of Tamil before 1st Sangam period but now it was changed a little but not completely changed so this Tamil is nothing but altered form of Proto-Dravidan.


    In fact Telugu descended from 3rd Sangam Kodum-Tamil, to understand this you should have good knowledge in Tamil language and literature.


    If possible try to analyse Telugu numberings then you can understand that Telugu is basically from Tamil and not of Sanskrit.



    10 - pattu

    13 - patin-moondru (10 + 3)



    10 - padi

    13 - padi-moodu ( 10 + 3)



    10 - dasa

    13 - triyo-dasha (3 + 10)

  3. Telugu or Kannada both has base as Tamil.


    Some word in Telugu such as Vrayu (write) looks different but indeed they were derived from Tamil (e.g vrayu (vrai) from varai).


    These people can't form a sentence without Tamil words, at least they need some derived word of Tamil.

    Their numbers and grammar are completely from Tamil.


    A Tamil person can form any type of sentence without using other language. But Telugu or Kannada people could not form any sentence without Tamil origin word.


    Can any one here ready to make a sentence (in Telugu or Kannada) only using Sanskrit words and grammar but not Tamil?



    People may find some Sanskrit word in Tamil, the same way many lone words of Tamil in Sanskrit. These languages shared some words in a time but they themselves can stand alone (but Telugu / Kannada couldn't be without Tamil).


    Here I would like to inform that Telugu/Kannada sentence may be formed without a Sanskrit word but not without a Tamil word.


    Understand the fact.

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