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Posts posted by 020402

  1. Dear friends,

    Greetings. I am doing a study about why people convert to religion/spiritual paths for a possible school project and I was hoping as many of you as have time would please answer a short survey of questions on this topic. Any participation about this subject would be greatly appreciated. I have been a “private student” of religion for a long time and the subject of individual people’s conversion experiences have always fascinated and many times inspired me. Below are a few questions I thought up that I’m hoping you would answer and/or elaborate upon. Please feel free to not stick to the question and add information you feel might also be relevant to the topic of your own spiritual/conversion experience. Thank you in advance for your participation. If people answer these questions, I may post more questions for individuals for the purpose of elaboration. Feel free to participate to what ever degree you feel comfortable. Peace be with you all. Your friend: Pat.




    1) Please give a brief intro: What is your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do for a living? Etc.


    2) What religion where you born into? How strict or to what degree did you and/or your family participate in the faith you were born into? (strict practitioners, not so strict, regular attendance to services or only members nominally etc.)


    3) What is your current spiritual path/religion?


    4) If you have converted to your current spiritual path from a different one, please explain why you chose to convert. (Perhaps give some personal history leading up to your conversion or the circumstances leading to your conversion etc.)


    5) Compare your current faith with your previous one (or any other faith). What do you “like better” or prefer about your current faith (i.e. philosophically, practically, theologically, morally, or anything else. Don’t be shy, we’re all friends.)?


    6) Before converting to your current religious affiliation/spiritual path, did you research, experience, or look into any other paths and to what extent?


    7) What was the extent of your research into or about your current path before your conversion?


    8) Do you have anything you’d like to add about religion, spirituality, or especially about your awn personal experiences with religion?


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