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Posts posted by sashikanta

  1. :105:

    Hi All,


    Let me share few experience of mine, I have Jupiter at 12th House Libra and Sat also there. MD (Jup > Jup) Started 14/08/1995, I got study breakup, failure in love, and the second stage was very good with lots of opportunity at my doorsteps. I got my Engineering Sep 2004 and I went to Hyderabad for Computer Studies (I believe Jupiter is most important planet who will throughout you from home life :)). First time at a South Indian City and with low money in hand, South Foods (Hyderabad foods are more chilly so my first pain started) I studies there 18hrs to get success and within a month I got MNC job, I was happy there but due to Saturn in 12th I always in a off mood always. My rest friends are astonished coz I was not so good at education and I got MNC within a month. So here Jupiter will also gives you good name and fame in his MD. It was Jupiter Venus period and My Earning are Increased and I love to spent on materialistic things as I am Scorpio lagna I spent lots of things are in gadgets, perfumes, clothes etc etc. I left my job and went to my home town and searched a small company where I got very bad blockage of my salary, I left that Job and lost 4 month of salary but did very hard work, 14hrs of tight job and I forgot my good name, I felt everything was lost and I am going into dark. Lord Jupiter again blessed me with a Very good job but he don't like me to stay at with my good family. So I went to Pune and got very good handsome salary and I have started spending.. spending.. and spending. When I realized that my credit card bills are out of limits I thought I should stop spending like this and I took a Personal Loan from Bank. Wow I thought it’s an easiest way to pay your credit card outstanding. It’s a Period of Jupiter and Moon. He had taken all my happiness and I became into a great debt. But at that time I find my credit cards are out of debt so easily I can pay my credit card outstanding. But Lord Jupiter punished me in a sweet way which later brings diabetics for me. Yes! He gave me a beautiful girl and I fall in love with her "Remember fall in love means, anything fall means break" and after lots of love and lust with her she left me like she don't know me, I spent much for her, I had gifted diamond ring, costly boutique dresses, my precious heart, lots of real love and everything which she may not imagined. Every month flight tour to see her and get back to work and like this I spent like anything, I pay the price for this costly love gifted by lord Jupiter but lord Jupiter was not happy with this punishment and he started to hurt me like hell, I came to know that She left me and she is a slut because her some deleterious tapes and MMS which she was dome before with lots of guies and finally caught by police and she was a victim. So it’s states that if Jupiter in Libra then it will give you result like the properties of Libra also Saturn is there. I was unknowingly interacted with a slut and foolishly planned my future. Its hurts me like hell and the Bankers putted me under CIBL and tried to catch me to recover my Loans and Credit Card outstanding also the IT JOB having 14Hrs of works and I feel like suckholic, now you will understood what the situation I was belongs to that time and I got very High Hypertension and on 17th Aug 2009 I got my First Heart attack and admitted for 1 month in hospital and spent near than 2 Laks of Rupees and I recovered. Blessed with a good lifetime gift from Lord Jupiter which is High BP pills I need to take for life time. I was lost and I left Pune. Now my life is ruined I have nothing now, everyone’s left me. My Credit Card, my bitch, my stupid friends all coz at that time I helped one of my friend on his dark day to save him around a Cash amount of 50k personal loan and he was stopped paying the EMI which currently I am paying for him. Another friend persuade me to enroll Gold Coin Business and I brought two number of numismatics of worth 70k and I was also unsuccessful, All invested equity worth around 3 laks I lost due to mundane financial crises. Nothing left to learn new things from life. Now I am under the Last period of Jupiter MD and that is Jupiter > Rahu period before was a trailer and this one is very bad climax so now the moral of story is what Jupiter can do more to anyone when he was in Libra. But the positive site is I got lots of Professional and Spiritual hike and learning for which various peoples still adore me. This will not applicable to all various are my mistake and rest planetary combination and mundane events. I was bankrupt whatever I earned in my life I spent more and more and now dip into full neck of debt so one day I tried to do suicide but at the same time I don't know from where my friends came and saved me. Thanks I saved and experienced punishment of my past life sins. We all should pray to Lord Jupiter and request him for our wellness, but my case I was not conscious about astrology and any remedies, but his grinding helped me to learn few basic things of life and value of astrology.


  2. Hey Guies,

    I never tried to seduce any other girl instead of my fake, slut girlfriend and I got success and after that I thought to stop everything.

    Coz, Never find love, letz love find you. J


    I tried the below Vashikarana Mantra.

    "Omm Chamundaye XYZ Akarsaya Akarsaya Swaha"

    108 times a day and after 40 day I got the positive result.


    But the proper process is use it in front of her photo and look into her eyes, sitdown on a red cloth and chants the mantra burn a incense stick and few itara so it will create an environment. Use any rosary mala and start chanting. But do not over chant. After that pray to "Kheysmahsa Uma Maheswari" Khyema prathana coz if you did any mistake during the chanting time of the mantra so it would safeguard you.

    But I don't know how much above helps you, it might have some danger to you but for my case it was very worst scenario so thats why i prayed to Maa that If I will die by chanting I don't care. I had submitted myself to you coz I hurt by her. :P)


    And I saw the result she attracted towards me like an Iron to a Magnet and after that, my mind has changed and I thought she is not fit for me. This is not the right way to getting someone, I forgive her and I left her and I stopped all things to impress my Mom my Maa and she is Maa Durga, ‘reason of all reason’. I think she had putted good blessing to me and I went to a good astrologer and ask him why I lost her? Due to my bad planetary Mahadasha. So the culprit might be in your Kundali make it strong do proper remedies so that it might have a chance to get a good mate. Left them those who don't have any care for you. Love them who loves you.


    There are others way to seduced a girl called persuasion, using goggle just search "Seduction" you will get lots of Idea to seduced a girls, your ex etc. And believe me it will work as more than Tantra or Mantra.

    Astrologically, Use Yellow Topaz, Rose Quartz, Aquamarine etc to get unexpected meetings with opposite sex, just check your Lagna and wear those Unheated Untreated Natural Gemstone with proper prana prathista. Also wear 14 Mukhi rudrakhya ..ya it will work.


    If it’s not working then check proper gemstone matching with your Lagna, various people having Gemstone and not getting any result because most of the Gemstones are Heat treated and not in proper clarity so no vividness and no good result. Check you have proper Unheated Untreated Natural Gemstone and having properly prana prathistit stone in your hand without any flaws. Also check that you have proper Rudrakhya not made using fake fiber or wood.


    So divinity is there but proper Guru required, nothing is sin here: P


    My Principle is "If God is everywhere so why were Sinner?" Nothing is Sin until you get caught or until you hurt others.

    If you're doing Tantra or Totka to any Girl then is it a Sin? Yes, If you love her, if you marry her, if she is Happy with you then nothing is Sin.


    Hope this is the illusion of life, called the Maya.


    Don't find love lets love find you. Still Now I’m single and rocking.


    - Sashi

  3. One astrologer told me about Upapada.


    In My Chart Upapada is the 2nd house where Mars and Ketu are placed. And Satrun has Aspect(Dristi) them, who is my Dara Karaka. So he said as Mars afflicted my melific so you would stay Bachlore.


    And I find from Internet is:


    Should Upapada be in the Rashi of a malefic, or recevice a Aspect(Dristi) from, or is yuti with a Malefic.


    Can this yoga make a person ascetic and go without a wife.


    So My first relationship is already broken so does this happen again?


    Please suggest.


    Oncagain : 24/11/1982, 07:17 AM, Bhubaneswar



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