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Posts posted by deepsh

  1. Dear Learned members:



    Requesting an advise regarding a couch that was been brought by one of my friend who went to sea beach at Chennai last month. I am not aware of its type. Is is auspicious to keep it at home . If yes then at what place. If not want can be done foe this. I am attaching its images. Please advise. I have also heard that such articles keeping in house depends on horoscope also.



    My Details:


    DOB: 19 OCT 1983

    TIME:18:40 (06:40 PM)

    PLACE:Faridabad (Haryana), India.



    Attaching its images for your reference.








  2. Dear Learned Members,


    As we know that doing Maa Baglamukhi Sadhna involves a lot of discipline and rules to be followed, what about BaglaMukhi Chalisa. If I read Baglamukhi Chalisa followed by Aarti, do I need to follow the same rules as that are been followed in Baglamukhi Sadhna provided that I am vegetarian, do not eat egg, no alcohol and don't smoke. If their are some rules to be followed to Read Baglamukhi Chalisa please let me know


    Also, let me know which is best version of Baglamukhi Chalisa available in Market as I have seen that there are may versions, and each writer has created the chalisa in their own way.



  3. Dear All,


    I have done engineering in I.T in 2005, still then I am struggling a lot to get the proper track. Now I have decided to go for further studies(Masters or upto Phd) in the field of Mechatronics/Robotics Engineering or Space Engineering as I have deep interest in both these respective areas. Please let me know if higher studies and research and development is there in my horoscope. Does these field suits me as a career path if I do the studies from foreign country or in India itself. PLease recomended some remidies Also recomend if below stones suits me or not is yes then how much ratti and in the current scenerio which stones suits me most:


    1. Emerald

    2 Ruby

    3 Yellow Sapphire.

    3. Diamond or Opal


    I am having Mercury Mahadasha sience year 2000 now its Mercury Mahadasha with Rahu Antardasha. and in my Lagna chart Mercury and Shani are Asth.


    After reading an article regarding ishth devta on your blog ,Kindly let me know my ishth devta as I believe my AK is Mercury and 12 th from mercury in Navmansha is Cancer. It contains no planet, however it is aspected by Shani with 7th drishti. I believe Shani is my ishth devta. Can you please confirm if I am correct.


    My Details are:

    D.O.B: 19th October 1983

    Time: 18:40 IST

    Place: Faridabad - 121005 (Haryana)

    Country: India

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