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Posts posted by piyush123

  1. i heard osho talk about how there are 2 basic paths to tread on the way to enlightenment. the path of enjoyment (bhakti ect) and the path of questioning (self-enquiry ect). it sucks reading about stuff because no matter what you will always find a contradiction... like osho say's that the path of enjoyment is the better path. but then in other writing he advocates the who am i? self enquiry and says that if you currently have a doubting mentality it's a good thing and make sur eyou see it though till the end...


    i've seen other teachers say the same type of basic thing? so what conclusion should you make from it? well i guess right off the abt is to stop caring about being "complete" and "together" and "rigid", lol.. i see benefits from both sides. you find the love in everything so you eventually become that love and realize the love is truly you i suppose. one thing to talk about it though, lol.. trying to say a lot, itegrate a sense of humor into my life, lol... i'm really gigling...


    anyway, i see that it's most benefiicial to just relax into life. i became very "nihilistic" in my encounters of eastern spirituality. questioning much and letting myself be depressed, thinking everything is futile. i've been in an existential crisis for waaaaaayyyy too long.. so the path of enjoyment i see would help me extremely. i find myself reactivley assuming self-destructive behavior and attitudes towards myself and others. like i'll sing even if i sense others are annoyed. develop pride in places that pride really should not be... stuff like that..


    so, i was wondering whether poeple here can help me out and give me some good bhakti stuff. i like the stuff here alot, but i was hoping that people can give me some particulars. for instance one thing that i got from the mastery of love book by don miguel ruiz was trying to come up with as many ways that you can say "i love you" that you can think of. so i blow kisses to trees and stuff (usually when no one is looking, lol) or bow when i'm thinking about osho. things like that, just to enjoy myself, and accept life as it comes.


    and possibly a way to deal with the part of my mind that's still doubting everything that crosses it's path...


    thank you very much :)

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